- Architecture
- Overview
- Before you start
- Getting started
- Smoke testing
- Documentation
- Next steps
- Videos
This configuration implements a PaaS database hosted in Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server with a private endpoint implemented using PrivateLink (Step-by-Step Video).
Activity | Estimated time required |
Pre-configuration | ~5 minutes |
Provisioning | ~10 minutes |
Smoke testing | ~10 minutes |
terraform-azurerm-vnet-app must be provisioned first before starting. This configuration is optional and can be skipped to reduce costs. Proceed with terraform-azurerm-vwan if you wish to skip it.
This section describes how to provision this configuration using default settings (Step-by-Step Video).
Change the working directory.
cd ~/azuresandbox/terraform-azurerm-mysql
Add an environment variable containing the password for the service principal.
export TF_VAR_arm_client_secret=YourServicePrincipalSecret
Run bootstrap.sh using the default settings or custom settings.
Apply the Terraform configuration.
# Initialize terraform providers terraform init # Validate configuration files terraform validate # Review plan output terraform plan # Apply configuration terraform apply
Monitor output. Upon completion, you should see a message similar to the following:
Apply complete! Resources: 5 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
.# List resources managed by terraform terraform state list
Use the steps in this section to verify the configuration is working as expected (Step-by-Step Video).
- Test DNS queries for Azure Database for MySQL private endpoint (PaaS)
From the client environment, navigate to portal.azure.com > Azure Database for MySQL flexible servers > mysql-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Overview > Server name and and copy the the FQDN, e.g. mysql‑xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.mysql.database.azure.com.
From jumpwin1, execute the following PowerShell command:
Resolve-DnsName mysql-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.mysql.database.azure.com
Verify the IP4Address returned is within the subnet IP address prefix for azurerm_subnet.vnet_app_01_subnets["snet-privatelink-01"], e.g.
- From jumpwin1, test private MySQL connectivity using MySQL Workbench.
- Navigate to Start > MySQL Workbench
- Navigate to Database > Connect to Database and connect using the following values:
- Connection method:
Standard (TCP/IP)
- Hostname:
- Port:
- Username:
- Schema:
- Click OK and when prompted for password use the value of the adminpassword secret in key vault.
- Create a table, insert some data and run some sample queries to verify functionality.
- Connection method:
- Optional: Enable internet access to Azure MySQL Flexible Server
From the client environment (not jumpwin1), verify that PrivateLink is not already configured on the network
Open a command prompt and run the following command:
ipconfig /all
Scan the results for privatelink.mysql.database.azure.com in Connection-specific DNS Suffix Search List.
- If found, PrivateLink is already configured on the network.
- If you are directly connected to a private network, skip this portion of the smoke testing.
- If you are connected to a private network using a VPN, disconnect from it and try again.
- If the privatelink.database.windows.net DNS Suffix is no longer listed, you can continue.
- If found, PrivateLink is already configured on the network.
Execute the following PowerShell command:
Resolve-DnsName mysql-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.mysql.database.azure.com
Make a note of the IP4Address returned. It is different from the private IP address returned previously in the smoke testing.
Navigate to lookip.net and lookup the IP4Address from the previous step. Examine the Technical details and verify that the ISP for the IP Address is
Microsoft Azure
and the Company isMicrosoft Azure
. -
Manually enable public access to Azure MySQL Flexible Server
- Navigate to portal.azure.com > Home > SQL Servers > mssql‑xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Settings > Networking > Firewall rules
- Click Add current client IP address
- Click Save
- Verify the Public access tab, click Selected networks
- In the Firewall rules section, click Add your client IPv4 address
- Click Save
Test Internet connectivity to Azure MySQL Flexible Server
- From the client environment (not jumpwin1) launch MySQL Workbench
- Navigate to Database > Connect to Database and connect using the following values:
- Connection method:
Standard (TCP/IP)
- Hostname:
- Port:
- Username:
- Schema:
- Click OK and when prompted for password use the value of the adminpassword secret in key vault.
- Verify connection has been established by browsing the schema for
- Close MySQL Workbench
- Connection method:
Disable public network access
- Navigate to portal.azure.com > Home > SQL Servers > mssql‑xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > Settings > Networking > Firewall rules
- Delete the row containing your client IP address.
- Click Save
- From the client environment (not jumpwin1) launch MySQL Workbench
- Navigate to Database > Connect to Database and connect using the following values:
- Connection method:
Standard (TCP/IP)
- Hostname:
- Port:
- Username:
- Schema:
- Click OK.
- The connection should fail.
- Close MySQL Workbench
- Connection method:
This section provides additional information on various aspects of this configuration (Step-by-Step Video).
This configuration uses the script bootstrap.sh to create a terraform.tfvars file for generating and applying Terraform plans. For simplified deployment, several runtime defaults are initialized using output variables stored in the terraform.tfstate file associated with the terraform-azurerm-vnet-shared and terraform-azurerm-vnet-app configurations, including:
Output variable | Sample value |
aad_tenant_id | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
admin_password_secret | "adminpassword" |
admin_username_secret | "adminuser" |
arm_client_id | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
key_vault_id | "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/rg-sandbox-01/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/kv-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" |
key_vault_name | "kv-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" |
location | "centralus" |
resource_group_name | "rg-sandbox-01" |
subscription_id | "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" |
tags | tomap( { "costcenter" = "10177772" "environment" = "dev" "project" = "#AzureSandbox" } ) |
private_dns_zones | Contains all the subnet definitions from this configuration including snet-app-01, snet-db-01, snet-mysql-01 and snet-privatelink-01. |
vnet_app_01_subnets | Contains all the subnet definitions including snet-app-01, snet-db-01, snet-privatelink-01 and snet-misc-03. |
This section lists the resources included in this configuration.
The configuration for these resources can be found in 020-mysql.tf.
Resource name (ARM) | Notes |
azurerm_mysql_flexible_server.mysql_server_01 (mysql-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) | An Azure Database for MySQL - Flexible Server for hosting databases. |
azurerm_mysql_flexible_database.mysql_database_01 | A MySQL Database named testdb for testing connectivity. |
azurerm_private_endpoint.mysql_server_01 (pend-mysql-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) | A private endpoint for the MySQL server. |
azurerm_private_dns_a_record.mysql_server_01 | A private DNS A record for the MySQL server private endpoint. |
Move on to the next configuration terraform-azurerm-vwan.