XPath.js - Pure JavaScript implementation of XPath 2.0 parser and evaluator
Copyright (c) 2012 Sergey Ilinsky
Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL
- XPath.js is a DOM-agnostic open-source XPath 2.0 implementation in JavaScript
- Library can be used to query any DOM structure via custom DOMAdapter
- Internally engine operates on XML Schema 1.1 data types
- api/ - Sample API sources
- src/ - XPath 2.0 engine sources
- test/unit/ - unit.js tests (requires unit.js)
- Running on sources: include xpath.js API file from the root folder.
- When no Apache/.htaccess/PHP configured, source files will be loaded by JS.
using xpath.js on NodeJS:
//using xmldom as target document (https://github.com/jindw/xmldom)
var xpath=require("xpath2")(xmldom.domClasses.Document.prototype);
var test=xpath.evaluate("2 to 5");
a more sofisticated example
var xmldom=require("xmldom");
var fs=require("fs");
var DOMParser = xmldom.DOMParser;
var xpath=require("xpath.js")(xmldom.domClasses.Document.prototype);
function nodeName(e) {return e.nodeName;}
function nodeValue(e) {return e.nodeValue;}
var xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString(fs.readFileSync("data.xml").toString());
var xsl = new DOMParser().parseFromString(fs.readFileSync("content.xslt").toString());
xmldom.domClasses.Node.prototype.select=function(e) {
var oStaticContext=new xpath.classes.StaticContext();
return xpath.evaluate(e,this,oStaticContext);
var repl = require("repl");
var r = repl.start("xpath2> ");