Common data structure, constants and helpers for Dofus 1.29.
For installing using maven, add this dependency into the pom.xml
- Colors : Store the creatures / players colors
- Dimensions : Store 2D dimensions (with and height)
- Interval : Store an integer interval, with min and max
- Gender : The character gender (male or female)
- Race : The character races / classes enum (only dofus 1.29 races)
Helper class for generate random values in replacement of the native Random class. Also useful for create predictable random values during unit tests.
// Create the random instance
RandomUtil random = new RandomUtil();
// Create a shared (static) instance of the RandomUtil
// This is necessary for enable testing mode on static fields
RandomUtil shared = RandomUtil.createShared();
random.bool(35); // 35% of chance to be true
random.rand(new Interval(4, 10)); // Random number between 4 and 10
Enable testing mode on unit test :
public class MyTestCase {
public void setUp() {
// Enable testing mode and reset the random seed
// Execute before each tests, so the generated value is always independent