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Usage Via Library

Gram21 edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 4 revisions

The project can be integrated into your own system as a library to calculate both classification and rank metrics. Follow the steps below to use the metrics calculator within your code.

1. Adding the Dependency

To use this project as a Maven dependency, you need to include the following dependency in your pom.xml file:


Make sure to replace ${revision} with the appropriate version number of the library. You can find the version from the repository or Maven Central.

Optional: Snapshot Repository

If you are using a snapshot version of the library (like 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT), you will need to include the snapshot repository configuration in your pom.xml file. This enables Maven to fetch the latest snapshot build:


2. Importing the Metrics Calculator

Once the library is included, you can import and use the ClassificationMetricsCalculator and RankMetricsCalculator in your project.

Example for Classification Metrics:

Kotlin example
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.ClassificationMetricsCalculator
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.result.SingleClassificationResult

fun main() {
    val classification = setOf("A", "B", "C")
    val groundTruth = setOf("A", "C", "D")

    // Use the ClassificationMetricsCalculator to calculate metrics
    val calculator = ClassificationMetricsCalculator.Instance
    val result: SingleClassificationResult<String> = calculator.calculateMetrics(
        classification = classification,
        groundTruth = groundTruth,
        confusionMatrixSum = null

    result.prettyPrint()  // Logs precision, recall, F1 score, etc.
Java example
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.ClassificationMetricsCalculator;
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.result.SingleClassificationResult;

import java.util.Set;

public class ClassificationExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Set<String> classification = Set.of("A", "B", "C");
        Set<String> groundTruth = Set.of("A", "C", "D");

        // Use the ClassificationMetricsCalculator to calculate metrics
        ClassificationMetricsCalculator calculator = ClassificationMetricsCalculator.getInstance();
        SingleClassificationResult<String> result = calculator.calculateMetrics(
                null  // Confusion matrix sum (optional)

        // Print the result, which includes precision, recall, F1 score, etc.

Example for Rank Metrics:

Kotlin example
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.RankMetricsCalculator
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.result.SingleRankMetricsResult

fun main() {
    val rankedResults = listOf(
        listOf("A", "B", "C"),  // Ranked results for query 1
        listOf("B", "A", "D")   // Ranked results for query 2
    val groundTruth = setOf("A", "B")

    // Use the RankMetricsCalculator to calculate metrics
    val calculator = RankMetricsCalculator.Instance
    val result: SingleRankMetricsResult = calculator.calculateMetrics(
        rankedResults = rankedResults,
        groundTruth = groundTruth,
        relevanceBasedInput = null

    result.prettyPrint()  // Logs MAP, LAG, AUC, etc.
Java example
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.RankMetricsCalculator;
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.result.SingleRankMetricsResult;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

public class RankMetricsExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<List<String>> rankedResults = List.of(
                List.of("A", "B", "C"),  // Ranked results for query 1
                List.of("B", "A", "D")   // Ranked results for query 2
        Set<String> groundTruth = Set.of("A", "B");

        // Use the RankMetricsCalculator to calculate metrics
        RankMetricsCalculator calculator = RankMetricsCalculator.getInstance();
        SingleRankMetricsResult result = calculator.calculateMetrics(
                null  // Relevance-based input (optional)

        // Print the result, which includes MAP, LAG, AUC, etc.

3. Customizing the Calculations

Both calculators (classification and rank metrics) provide customizable inputs like:

  • String Provider: Allows you to specify how the elements in your classification or ranking are converted to strings.
  • Relevance-Based Input (optional for rank metrics): Allows you to input additional relevance scores if needed for calculating metrics like AUC.

Example for Using RelevanceBasedInput with Rank Metrics

The RelevanceBasedInput class allows you to pass additional relevance scores for ranked results when calculating rank metrics like AUC. This relevance-based information gives more context to the ranking system, allowing it to factor in how relevant each item is.

Code Example:

Kotlin example
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.RankMetricsCalculator
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.result.SingleRankMetricsResult
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.internal.RelevanceBasedInput

fun main() {
    // Example ranked results for two queries
    val rankedResults = listOf(
        listOf("A", "B", "C"),  // Ranked results for query 1
        listOf("D", "A", "B")   // Ranked results for query 2

    // Ground truth for relevance (the most relevant results)
    val groundTruth = setOf("A", "B")

    // Relevance scores associated with the ranked results
    val rankedRelevances = listOf(
        listOf(0.9, 0.8, 0.4),  // Relevance scores for query 1
        listOf(0.7, 0.6, 0.5)   // Relevance scores for query 2

    // Creating the RelevanceBasedInput object
    val relevanceInput = RelevanceBasedInput(
        rankedRelevances = rankedRelevances,   // Relevance scores for ranked results
        doubleProvider = { it },               // Function to provide the relevance value (identity function in this case)
        biggerIsMoreSimilar = true             // Whether higher values mean more relevance

    // Use the RankMetricsCalculator to calculate metrics
    val calculator = RankMetricsCalculator.Instance
    val result: SingleRankMetricsResult = calculator.calculateMetrics(
        rankedResults = rankedResults,
        groundTruth = groundTruth,
        relevanceBasedInput = relevanceInput

    // Print the calculated rank metrics (MAP, LAG, AUC, etc.)
Java example
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.RankMetricsCalculator;
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.result.SingleRankMetricsResult;
import edu.kit.kastel.mcse.ardoco.metrics.internal.RelevanceBasedInput;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

public class RankMetricsWithRelevanceExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Example ranked results for two queries
        List<List<String>> rankedResults = List.of(
            List.of("A", "B", "C"),  // Ranked results for query 1
            List.of("D", "A", "B")   // Ranked results for query 2

        // Ground truth for relevance (the most relevant results)
        Set<String> groundTruth = Set.of("A", "B");

        // Relevance scores associated with the ranked results
        List<List<Double>> rankedRelevances = List.of(
            List.of(0.9, 0.8, 0.4),  // Relevance scores for query 1
            List.of(0.7, 0.6, 0.5)   // Relevance scores for query 2

        // Creating the RelevanceBasedInput object
        RelevanceBasedInput relevanceInput = new RelevanceBasedInput(
            rankedRelevances,      // Relevance scores for ranked results
            Double::valueOf,       // Function to provide the relevance value (identity function in this case)
            true                   // Whether higher values mean more relevance

        // Use the RankMetricsCalculator to calculate metrics
        RankMetricsCalculator calculator = RankMetricsCalculator.getInstance();
        SingleRankMetricsResult result = calculator.calculateMetrics(
            relevanceInput  // Provide relevance-based input

        // Print the calculated rank metrics (MAP, LAG, AUC, etc.)


  1. Ranked Results: A list of lists where each list represents ranked items for a query.

    • Query 1: $ ["A", "B", "C"] $
    • Query 2: $ ["D", "A", "B"] $
  2. Ground Truth: The correct (most relevant) items, which are $ ["A", "B"] $.

  3. Relevance Scores: The relevance values for the ranked results:

    • Query 1: $ [0.9, 0.8, 0.4] $ – Higher scores indicate more relevant items.
    • Query 2: $ [0.7, 0.6, 0.5] $.
  4. Relevance-Based Input: This structure provides the calculator with the relevance scores and indicates that higher values represent more relevance (i.e., biggerIsMoreSimilar = true).


  • You can modify the doubleProvider function to convert any complex structure (such as custom objects) into a numeric relevance score.
  • The biggerIsMoreSimilar flag can be set to false if lower values indicate more relevance (e.g., in a ranking where 1st place is more relevant than 10th place).

4. Aggregation of Results

To aggregate multiple classification or ranking results, you can utilize the respective aggregation methods provided by the library. For more details, refer to the Aggregation section.

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