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File metadata and controls

117 lines (94 loc) · 4.2 KB

Distributed File Systems

  • Accessed via well defined interface
    • access via Virtual File Systems
  • Focus on consistent state
    • tracking state, file update, cache coherence
  • Mixed distribution models possible
    • replicates vs partitioned, peer-like systems

DFS models

  • Client Server on different machines
  • File server distributed on multiple machines
    • replicated (each server : all files)
    • partitioned (each server : parts of files)
    • both (files partitioned, each partition replicates)
  • Files stored on and served from all machines (peers)
    • blurred distinction between clients and servers

Remote File Service : Extremes



  1. Extreme1 : Upload/Download
    • like FTP, SVN
    • + local read/writes at client
    • - entire file download/upload evn for small accesses
    • - server gives up contro;
  2. Extreme2 : True Remote File Access
    • Every access to remote file, nothing done locally
    • + file access centralized, easy to reason about consistency
    • - every file operation pays network cost, limits server scalablity

Remote File Service : A compromise

A more practical Remote File access (with Caching)

  1. Allow clients to store parts of files locally (blocks)
    • + low latency on file operations
    • + server load reduces => more scalable
  2. Force clients to interact with server (frequently)
    • + server has insights into what clients are doing
    • + server has control into which accesses can be permitted => easier to maintain consistency
    • - server more complex, requires different file sharing semantics

Stateless vs Stateful File server

Stateless Stateful
Keeps no state; Okay with extreme models, but can't support 'practical' model Keeps client state needed for 'practical' model to track what is cached/accessed
- Can't support caching and consistency management + Can support locking, caching, incremental operations
- Every request self-contained. => more bits transferred - Overheads to maintain state and consistency. Depends on caching mechanism and consistency protocol.
+ No resources are used on server side (CPU, MM). On failure just restart - On failure, need checkpoining and recovery mechanisms

Caching state in a DFS

  • Locally clients maintain portion of state (e.g. file blocks)
  • Locally clients perform operations on cached state (e.g. open/read/write)
  • requires coherent mechanisms


System How When
SMP Write-update/Write-invalidate On write
DFS Client/Server-driven On demand, periodically, on open..
  • Files or File blocks can be (with 1 server and multiple clients) cached in:

    • in client memory
    • on client storage device (HDD/SDD)
    • in buffer cache in memory on server
      • (usefulness will depend on client load, request interleaving)
  • File Sharing Semantics in DFS

  • Session semantics (between open-close => Session)

    • write-back on close(), update on open()
    • easy to reason, but may be insufficient
  • Periodic updates

    • client writes-back periodically
      • clients have a "lease" on cached data (not exclusively necessary)
    • servers invalidates periodically => provides biunds on "inconsistency"
    • augment with flush()/sync() API
  • Immutable files => never modify, new files created

  • Transactions => all changes atomic

Replication vs Partitioning

Replication Partitioning
Each machine holds all files Each machine has subset of files
Advantages Load balancing, availibility, fault tolerance Availibility vs single server DFS;
Scalability with file system size;
single file writes simpler
Disadvantages Write becomes more complex
- Synchronous to all
- or, write to one, then propagate to others
replicas must be reconciled e.g. Voting
On failure, lose portion of data
load balancing harder, if not balanced, then hot-spots possible
  • Can combine both techniques
    • Replicate each partition!