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Flame Graph Report

Daniel Odievich edited this page Apr 20, 2018 · 18 revisions


Flame Graphs and Flame Chart reports are an ingenious and useful way to visualize many call graphs in single screen.

Report File Locations

Flame Graphs and Flame Chart reports are produced when Input\Snapshots=True and Output.FlameGraphs=True.

Flame Graph report for Entities has the following file format Report\<Controller>\<Application>\<APP|TIER|NODE|BT>\Flame.<ControllerName>.<ApplicationName>.<EntityName>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.svg

For example, Report\\ECommerce.41\APP\

Flame Graph report for Snapshots has the following file format Report\<Controller>\<Application>\<SNAP>\<TierName>\<BTName>\Flame.Snapshot.<User Experience>.<Request ID>.<Start Date and Time>.svg

For example, Report\\ECommerce.41\SNAP\ECommerce-Se.108\Confirm Orde.593\Flame.Snapshot.NORMAL.20171230010623.ba3c2d7e-e927-4116-8e71-4c09ef263926.svg

Detected Entities report has the following file format Report\DetectedEntities.<Job File Name>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.xlsx

For example, demo2Ecommerce.2017091914-2017091916.DetectedEntities.xlsx

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