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Flame Graph Report

Daniel Odievich edited this page Apr 20, 2018 · 18 revisions


Flame Graphs and Flame Chart reports are an ingenious and useful way to visualize many call graphs in single screen.

Report File Locations

Flame Graphs and Flame Chart reports are produced when Input\Snapshots=True and Output.FlameGraphs=True.

Flame Graph report for Entities has the following file format Report\<Controller>\<Application>\<APP|TIER|NODE|BT>\Flame.<ControllerName>.<ApplicationName>.<EntityName>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.svg

For example, Report\\ECommerce.41\APP\

Flame Graph report for Snapshots has the following file format Report\<Controller>\<Application>\<SNAP>\<TierName>\<BTName>\Flame.Snapshot.<User Experience>.<Request ID>.<Start Date and Time>.svg

What is Flame Graph

A Flame Graph visualizes a collection of stack traces (aka call stacks), shown as an adjacency diagram with an inverted icicle layout. Flame Graphs are commonly used to visualize CPU profiler output, where stack traces are collected using sampling.

Brendan Gregg’s website and his talk are excellent in helping understand the concepts behind Flame Graphs. Couple other essential reads on using Flame Graphs are and

Flame Graphs and Flame Charts (a type of Flame Graph with time dimension on the X axis) provide an excellent tool to understand the frequent execution paths your application is taking, visualize dependencies between various frameworks and identify performance problems.

For example, Report\\ECommerce.41\SNAP\ECommerce-Se.108\Confirm Orde.593\Flame.Snapshot.NORMAL.20171230010623.ba3c2d7e-e927-4116-8e71-4c09ef263926.svg

Accessing Flame Graph Reports

Flame Graphs and Flame Charts reports for Application, Tiers, Nodes and Business Transactions are linked to from Detected Entity and Entity Metrics reports from FlameGraphLink and FlameGraphChart columns. TODO

Flame Graph reports for Snapshots are linked to from the Snapshots report from FlameGraphLink column. TODO

Viewing Flame Graph and Flame Chart Reports

Flame Graphs and Flame Chart reports are SVG files that are best viewed in your favorite internet browser.

Interacting with Report

The vertical arrangement shows depth of stack calls, starting at the bottom. The topmost stack is on CPU.

Stack frame color-codes certain frameworks (Java, Sun, Oracle, Google, Amazon, Microsoft) with some colors, leaving default colors range from burnt orange at Stack depth 0 to yellow at maximum stack depth.

The horizontal arrangement is alphabetical.

Stack frame width is proportional to its percentage in samples. Wider -> more samples.

Stack frames with tiny width are filtered out.

The timing data for each frame is included. Methods with execution time higher than 50ms are highlighted with Red border, growing in thickness as the duration increases.

Hovering mouse over any block gives you its contents as tooltip.

The top line specifies which Entity you are looking at.

Figure 184 Flame Graph for Application

Figure 185 Flame Graph for Tier

Figure 186 Flame Graph for Node

Figure 187 Flame Graph for Business Transaction

Figure 188 Flame Graph for a single Snapshot

Visualization of Duration of Calls

The red border around the frame indicates ranges of the average duration of the call (calculated by dividing the total time by number of samples):

Duration From Duration To Line thickness
0 100 None
100 250 1
250 500 2
500 1000 3
1000 5000 4
5000 10000 5
10000 Infinity 6


Clicking a single block trims the report to just that element:

Figure 190 Flame Graph for Application, filtered to the child element at depth 2 You can continue to filter by clicking anywhere.

Figure 191 Flame Graph for Application, filtered to the child element at depth 6 Use Reset Zoom to go back to full view.

Search for and Highlight Frame

Click Search or Ctrl-F to open search dialog, type your query (regex is supported):

Figure 192 Search for method in Flame Graph Results are highlighted in purple. The Matched % is number of samples against total number of samples in all call stacks.

Figure 193 Search results for method in Flame Graph You can zoom in:

Figure 194 Search results for method in Flame Graph, zoomed in Use Reset Search to remove search highlights.

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