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Dashboards Report

Daniel Odievich edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 12 revisions


Dashboards report shows information about Dashboard, their Widgets and Time Series referenced by then in Controller

Detected APM Entities report is produced when:

Report File Locations

Dashboards report has the following file name:

Report\Dashboards.<Job File Name>.<Start Date and Time>-<End Date and Time>.xlsx

For example:


Data File Locations

The data for the report is in the following files:

  • Report\DASH\dashboards
  • Report\DASH\dashboard.widgets.csv
  • Report\DASH\dashboard.dataseries.csv

Data Schema

Full Size

Report Contents

Data Pivot
5.Dashboards 5.Dashboards.Type
6.Widgets 6.Widgets.Type
7.Data Series 7.Data Series.Type, 7.Data Series.Location


This sheet describes the parameters of the extraction and reporting job that produced this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
UserName String User that was used to retrieve data from the Controller
Application String Name of Application that was queried
ApplicationID Integer ID of Application in Controller
ApplicationType String Type of the Application


This sheet provides quick access to the contents of this report and provides at-a-glance number of rows in each of the sheet's tables.

Column Data Type Purpose
Sheet Name String Name of the sheet in the report
Num Entities Integer Number of Entities in that sheet
Link Hyperlink Link to the sheet in the report


This sheet provides information about Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
Version String Version of the Controller
VersionDetail String Full version string of the Controller
NumApps Integer Number of All Applications registered in the Controller
NumAPMApps Integer Number of APM Applications registered in the Controller
NumWEBApps Integer Number of WEB Applications registered in the Controller
NumMOBILEApps Integer Number of MOBILE Applications registered in the Controller
NumIOTApps Integer Number of IoT Applications registered in the Controller
NumSIMApps Integer Number of SIM Applications registered in the Controller
NumBIQApps Integer Number of BIQ Applications registered in the Controller
NumDBApps Integer Number of DB Applications registered in the Controller
ControllerLink URL Link to Controller


This sheet provides information about all Dashboards in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
DashboardName String Name of Application
Description String Description of Application
NumWidgets Integer Number of Widgets on Dashboard
NumAnalyticsWidgets Integer Number of Analytics Widgets on Dashboard
NumEventListWidgets Integer Number of Event List Widgets on Dashboard
NumGaugeWidgets Integer Number of Gauge Widgets on Dashboard
NumGraphWidgets Integer Number of Graph Widgets on Dashboard
NumHealthListWidgets Integer Number of Health Rule Widgets on Dashboard
NumIFrameWidgets Integer Number of IFrame Widgets on Dashboard
NumImageWidgets Integer Number of Image Widgets on Dashboard
NumMetricLabelWidgets Integer Number of Metric Label Widgets on Dashboard
NumPieWidgets Integer Number of Pie Widgets on Dashboard
NumTextWidgets Integer Number of Text Label Widgets on Dashboard
CanvasType String Type of Canvas (ABSOLUTE, GRID)
TemplateEntityType String Not sure what this is
SecurityToken String If Dashboard is shared, the Security Token
IsShared Boolean Is Dashboard shared
IsSharingRevoked Boolean Is Dashboard sharing revoked
IsTemplate Boolean Not sure what this is
Width Integer Dashboard width
Height Integer Dashboard height
BackgroundColor String Background color (RGB)
MinutesBefore Integer Time range for the Dashboard if relative to now
RefreshInterval Integer Frequency of Dashboard refresh, minutes
StartTime String Start time of Dashboard display range, local time
StartTimeUtc String Start time of Dashboard display range, UTC time
EndTime String End time of Dashboard display range, local time
EndTimeUtc String End time of Dashboard display range, UTC time
CreatedBy String Who created this Dashboard
CreatedOn DateTime When the Dashboard was created, local time
CreatedOnUtc DateTime When the Dashboard was created, UTC time
UpdatedBy String Who updated this Dashboard last
UpdatedOn DateTime When the Dashboard was updated, local time
UpdatedOnUtc DateTime When the Dashboard was updated, UTC time
DashboardID Integer ID of Dashboard in Controller
DashboardLink String Link to Dashboard in Controller


This sheet uses data in 5.Dashboards sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Dashboard and their Widgets in all Controllers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
DashboardID (Count)
NumWidgets (Sum)
NumAnalyticsWidgets (Sum)
NumEventListWidgets (Sum)
NumGaugeWidgets (Sum)
NumGraphWidgets (Sum)
NumIFrameWidgets (Sum)
NumImageWidgets (Sum)
NumMetricLabelWidgets (Sum)
NumPieWidgets (Sum)
NumTextWidgets (Sum)

Example report showing Controller with many types of Dashboards:

Full Size


This sheet provides information about all Widgets in all Dashboards in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
DashboardName String Name of Application
CanvasType String Type of Canvas (ABSOLUTE, GRID)
WidgetType String Type of Widget (ImageWidget, GraphWidget, EventListWidget, TextWidget, HealthListWidget, MetricLabelWidget, AnalyticsWidget, GaugeWidget, PieWidget, IFrameWidget)
Index Integer Index of the Widget in the Dashboard
ApplicationName String Application that is queried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget)
EntityType String Type of entity that is queried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget)
EntitySelectionType String Type of entity selection (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget)
SelectedEntities String Entities that are quieried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget)
NumSelectedEntities Integer Number of entities that are queried (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget)
Title String Title of the Widget
Description String Description of the Widget
Label String Label displayed by the Widget (when WidgetType=MetricLabelWidget)
Text String Text displayed by the Widget (when WidgetType=TextWidget)
TextAlign String Text alignment for text displayed by the Widget (when WidgetType=TextWidget)
Width Integer Width of Widget
Height Integer Height of Widget
MinWidth Integer Minimum width of Widget
MinHeight Integer Minimum height of Widget
X Integer X location of Widget
Y Integer Y loction of Widget
ForegroundColor String Foreground color (RGB)
BackgroundColor String Background color (RGB)
BackgroundAlpha String Background alpha channel color (RGB)
BorderColor String Border color (RGB)
BorderSize String Width of border
IsBorderEnabled Boolean Is border displayed
Margin Integer Width of margin
NumDataSeries Integer Number of data series displayed
FontSize Integer Font size
MinutesBeforeAnchor Integer Time range for the Widget if relative to now
VerticalAxisLabel String Label for vertical axis
HorizontalAxisLabel String Label for horizontal axis
AxisType String Type of Axis (LINEAR, LOGARITHMIC)
IsMultipleYAxis String Is graph using multiple Y axis
StackMode String Is stacking enabled
AggregationType String Type of health rule status aggregation (when WidgetType=HealthListWidget)
DrillDownURL String URL to link to
IsDrillDownMetricBrowser String Is drill down effect taking us to Metric Browser
IsShowEvents String Should events be shown
EventFilter Object Filter for the events to be shown
ImageURL String Link to the image to show
EmbeddedImageSize Integer Size of the embedded base64-encoded image
SourceURL String URL of page to display in IFrame (when WidgetType=IFrameWidget)
IsSandbox String Not sure what this is (when WidgetType=IFrameWidget)
AnalyticsQueries String Analytics queries that are used (when WidgetType=AnalyticsWidget)
AnalyticsWidgetType String Type of Analytics widget (when WidgetType=AnalyticsWidget)
AnalyticsSearchMode String Analytics search mode (when WidgetType=AnalyticsWidget)
DashboardID Integer ID of Dashboard in Controller


This sheet uses data in 6.Widgets sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of Dashboard and their Widgets in all Controllers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
DashboardName (Count)

Example report showing Controller with many types of Dashboards and their Widgets:

Full Size

7.Data Series

This sheet provides information about all Data Series in all Widgets in Dashboards in all Controllers covered by this report.

Column Data Type Purpose
Controller URL Controller that was queried
DashboardName String Name of Application
CanvasType String Type of Canvas (ABSOLUTE, GRID)
WidgetType String Type of Widget (ImageWidget, GraphWidget, EventListWidget, TextWidget, HealthListWidget, MetricLabelWidget, AnalyticsWidget, GaugeWidget, PieWidget, IFrameWidget)
Index Integer Index of the Widget in the Dashboard
SeriesName String Name of Data Series to display
SeriesType String Type of Data Series used
MetricType String Type of metric displayed
Colors String List of explicit colors (RGB) used by Data Series
NumColors String Number of explicit colors used by Data Series
Axis String Axis Type (LEFT, RIGHT)
MetricExpressionType String Type of Metric Expression (Logical, Absolute, Boolean)
MetricPath String Path to metric, relative or absolute
MetricDisplayName String Metric display name
FunctionType String Type of function to apply to metric values (VALUE, COUNT, MIN, MAX, SUM, CURRENT)
ExpressionOperator String Operator for metric expression (MINUS, PLUS, DIVIDE, MULTIPLY
Expression1 Object Left side of expression
Expression2 Object Right side of expression
MaxResults String Maximum number of Data Series to display
ApplicationName String Application that is queried
Expression String Custom expression
EvalScopeType String Not sure what this is
Baseline String Which baseline to display
DisplayStyle String Display type (CUSTOM, AUTO)
DisplayFormat String Display format string
IsRollup Boolean Not sure what this is
UseActiveBaseline Boolean Should the Data Series use active default baseline
SortDirection String Direction of sort (Ascending, Descending)
EntityType String Type of entity that is queried
EntitySelectionType String Type of entity selection
AgentType Array Types of Agents selected
SelectedEntities String Entities that are quieried
NumSelectedEntities Integer Number of entities that are queried
IsSummary Boolean Not sure what this is
DashboardID Integer ID of Dashboard in Controller

7.Data Series.Type

This sheet uses data in 7.Data Series sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of all Dashboard Widgets and their metrics by their Type in all Controllers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
DashboardName (Count)

Example report showing Controller with many types of Dashboards, their Widgets and Data Series:

Full Size

7.Data Series.Location

This sheet uses data in 7.Data Series sheet as source for pivot table to enable summary reporting and ad-hoc drill-down.

Default configuration provides breakdown of all Dashboard Widgets and their metrics by their Location in all Controllers.

Columns Rows Values Filters
DashboardName (Count)

Example report shows Business Transaction ART metrics and all the Widgets and Dashboards it is used by:

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