Releases: Appdynamics/AppDynamics.DEXTER
Detected Entities Report:
- Added support for node properties, environment variables and JVM properties
Entity Metrics Report:
- Added output progress to extraction
Snapshots Report:
- Changed framework lookup to be case sensitive
Entity Details Report:
- Added explicit grouping for CLR_CRASH events
- Added node output to the events table, if available
Detected Entities Report:
- Added PowerBI visualization
Entity Metrics Report:
- Added PowerBI visualization for metrics and flowmaps
Fixed bug with Backend metrics parsing using Tier properties
-0 Entity Metric Graphs Report:
- Added check for whether report should be built
Events Report:
- Added PowerBI visualization
Snapshots Report: - Added PowerBI visualization for Snapshots and Call Graph data
- Fixed issue with SEP parsing in some edge cases
- Corrected right file name for the Snapshot Segments file name
Entity Details Report:
- Added check for whether report should be built
Flame Graph Report:
- Added colors for IBM
- Added mapping for Microsoft F#
Configuration Report:
- Updated sheet names
Detected Entities Report:
- Corrected Application sheet
Entity Details Report:
- Added error handling around empty metric and activity grid files
Snapshots Report:
- Adjusted height of one of Errors pivot filter
- Corrected issue with SNAP folder from REPORT showing in INDEX folder
Refactored code for better maintainability, readability and modularity
Corrected bug for time comparisons for all timezones during startup
Flame Graph Report:
- Added Flame Chart support
Snapshot Method Calls Report:
- Changed Exec from Average to Count on one of the pivot
Entity Details Report:
- Corrected issue with exceptions when no metric data was extracted
Analytics UI
- Added Power BI templates for Entities and Entity Metrics
- Added Tableau templates for Entities
All reports:
- Streamlined code to build pivot tables
- Removed subgroup subtotals from all pivot tables
- Removed time range expansion to the nearest hour
Detected Entities report:
- Added better check for controller version
Entity Metrics Report:
- Added ability to extract arbitrary metrics using mapping file
- Added ability to select metric sets from the job file
- Reworked how the metrics are indexed to make it faster and easier on the IO
- Added links to Entity Metric Graphs report
- Added ART Range column to all reports
Entity Metric Graphs Report: - Changed how the mapped in the metrics are loaded into report
- Added explicit variable to output this report to the Job file
Entity Details Report:
- Changed how the metrics are loaded into report
Flame Graph Report:
- Removed excessive XML character escaping
Flame Graph Report:
- Added duration highlights to the flame graphs
- Added escape for the non-XML characters in the flame graph output
Metric Report:
- Corrected metric extraction bug for multiple Tiers and Nodes resulting in data not being extracted
- Added better folder for Flowmaps in the Index and Report folders
All Reports:
- Added Data, Index and Report folders into structure of the application
Detected Entities Report:
- Minor fixes for backend type lookup for times when it is CUSTOM
Entity Metrics Graphs Report:
- Added CPM vs ART and EPM vs ART scatter plots
Entity Metrics Report:
- Added sum of the Activity Flow (flowmaps) for all entities
- Added better parallellization support for metric indexing for each entity type to speed up indexing steps
Events Report:
- Added more types of events to the list of events extracted from Controller
Snapshots Report:
- Added additional frameworks to the mapping list
- Removed some pivots from Method Call Lines report to speed up Excel rendering when that table is opened
- Increased number of threads used to extract snapshots from Controller from 5 to 8
- Added some more context data from Entities (TierType, AgentType, BTType, Segment and Snapshot User Experience) to Segments, Exits, Business Data and so on
- Added additional parsing to SQL queries for JDBC, DB and ADODOTNET calls for Exits part of report
- Added parsing of URL for HTTP, WCF and WEB_SERVICE calls into parts, including removing of GUIDs from main part of URL
- Added parsing Error message from Error Call Stack for Exception error detail for Errors part of report
- Changed how Framework is looked up from the first two segments of class
All Reports:
- Made pivot tables not autoresize to the full width of columns when rows are expanded
- Changed string comparison throughout to use InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
Flame Graph Report:
- Added different colors for different frameworks
Snapshot Report:
- Added IsEndToEndDurationDifferent column for Snapshots Report:
- Fixed report crash when the first application had no data in the snapshot.csv and combining that missed its headers
- Added ordering for various column values in pivots
- Removed Snapshot Flowmap extraction because it isn't used anywhere yet
- Adjusted pivots for Method Call Lines and Method Call Occurrences reports
Entity Details Report:
- Added better check for snapshots being null to avoid crashing on Flame Graph link adjustment
Detected Entity Report:
- Added additional check for backend details when they are custom
- Corrected logic for types of exit calls on Activity Grid to properly account for async calls
Configuration Report:
- Minor pivot table adjustments for Health Rules
- Added ordering for Severity column values
Snapshots Report:
- Added support for filtering which Snapshots to export from the Controller based on various criterie
Other improvements:
- Added validation to Excel generation when maximum number of rows in sheet is reached
Flame Graph Reports:
- Added Flame Graph rendering for Application, Tiers, Nodes, Business Transactions and all Snapshots
Snapshots report:
- Added support for producing Flame Graph folded stacks
- Added Flame Graph link for every snapshot
Entity Report
- Added Flame Graph link
- Removed Entity Detail report link from Information Points
Entity Metric Report
- Added Flame Graph link
- Removed Entity Detail report link from Information Points
Entity Detail Report
- Added Flame Graph links