The identifiers of the content.
Initialize a carousel.
Add a widget to the end.
- Parameter widget: The widget.
- Returns: The carousel.
Add a widget to the beginning.
- Parameter widget: The widget.
- Returns: The carousel.
Insert a widget at a certain index.
- Parameters:
- widget: The widget.
- index: The index.
- Returns: The carousel.
Remove certain widgets.
- Parameter widgets: The widgets.
- Returns: The carousel.
Remove all widgets.
- Returns: The carousel.
Get the content widgets.
- Returns: The carousel.
Allow swiping more than one page at a time.
- Parameter longSwipes: Allow long swiping.
- Returns: The carousel.
Add indicator dots to the carousel.
- Parameter top: Whether the dots should be at the top.
- Returns: The carousel and the dots.