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Syslog Output Plugin

This plugin writes metrics as syslog messages via UDP in RFC5426 format or via TCP in RFC6587 format or via TLS in RFC5425 format, with or without the octet counting framing.


Syslog messages are formatted according to RFC5424 limiting the field sizes when sending messages according to the syslog message format section of the RFC. Sending messages beyond these sizes may get dropped by a strict receiver silently.

⭐ Telegraf v1.11.0 🏷️ logging 💻 all

Global configuration options

In addition to the plugin-specific configuration settings, plugins support additional global and plugin configuration settings. These settings are used to modify metrics, tags, and field or create aliases and configure ordering, etc. See the for more details.

Startup error behavior options

In addition to the plugin-specific and global configuration settings the plugin supports options for specifying the behavior when experiencing startup errors using the startup_error_behavior setting. Available values are:

  • error: Telegraf with stop and exit in case of startup errors. This is the default behavior.
  • ignore: Telegraf will ignore startup errors for this plugin and disables it but continues processing for all other plugins.
  • retry: Telegraf will try to startup the plugin in every gather or write cycle in case of startup errors. The plugin is disabled until the startup succeeds.


# Configuration for Syslog server to send metrics to
  ## URL to connect to
  ## ex: address = "tcp://"
  ## ex: address = "tcp4://"
  ## ex: address = "tcp6://"
  ## ex: address = "tcp6://[2001:db8::1]:8094"
  ## ex: address = "udp://"
  ## ex: address = "udp4://"
  ## ex: address = "udp6://"
  address = "tcp://"

  ## Optional TLS Config
  # tls_ca = "/etc/telegraf/ca.pem"
  # tls_cert = "/etc/telegraf/cert.pem"
  # tls_key = "/etc/telegraf/key.pem"
  ## Use TLS but skip chain & host verification
  # insecure_skip_verify = false

  ## Period between keep alive probes.
  ## Only applies to TCP sockets.
  ## 0 disables keep alive probes.
  ## Defaults to the OS configuration.
  # keep_alive_period = "5m"

  ## The framing technique with which it is expected that messages are
  ## transported (default = "octet-counting").  Whether the messages come
  ## using the octet-counting (RFC5425#section-4.3.1, RFC6587#section-3.4.1),
  ## or the non-transparent framing technique (RFC6587#section-3.4.2).  Must
  ## be one of "octet-counting", "non-transparent".
  # framing = "octet-counting"

  ## The trailer to be expected in case of non-transparent framing (default = "LF").
  ## Must be one of "LF", or "NUL".
  # trailer = "LF"

  ## SD-PARAMs settings
  ## Syslog messages can contain key/value pairs within zero or more
  ## structured data sections.  For each unrecognized metric tag/field a
  ## SD-PARAMS is created.
  ## Example:
  ##   [[outputs.syslog]]
  ##     sdparam_separator = "_"
  ##     default_sdid = "default@32473"
  ##     sdids = ["foo@123", "bar@456"]
  ##   input => xyzzy,x=y foo@123_value=42,bar@456_value2=84,something_else=1
  ##   output (structured data only) => [foo@123 value=42][bar@456 value2=84][default@32473 something_else=1 x=y]

  ## SD-PARAMs separator between the sdid and tag/field key (default = "_")
  # sdparam_separator = "_"

  ## Default sdid used for tags/fields that don't contain a prefix defined in
  ## the explicit sdids setting below If no default is specified, no SD-PARAMs
  ## will be used for unrecognized field.
  # default_sdid = "default@32473"

  ## List of explicit prefixes to extract from tag/field keys and use as the
  ## SDID, if they match (see above example for more details):
  # sdids = ["foo@123", "bar@456"]

  ## Default severity value. Severity and Facility are used to calculate the
  ## message PRI value (RFC5424#section-6.2.1).  Used when no metric field
  ## with key "severity_code" is defined.  If unset, 5 (notice) is the default
  # default_severity_code = 5

  ## Default facility value. Facility and Severity are used to calculate the
  ## message PRI value (RFC5424#section-6.2.1).  Used when no metric field with
  ## key "facility_code" is defined.  If unset, 1 (user-level) is the default
  # default_facility_code = 1

  ## Default APP-NAME value (RFC5424#section-6.2.5)
  ## Used when no metric tag with key "appname" is defined.
  ## If unset, "Telegraf" is the default
  # default_appname = "Telegraf"

Metric mapping

The output plugin expects syslog metrics tags and fields to match up with the ones created in the syslog input.

The following table shows the metric tags, field and defaults used to format syslog messages.

Syslog field Metric Tag Metric Field Default value
APP-NAME appname - default_appname = "Telegraf"
TIMESTAMP - timestamp Metric's own timestamp
VERSION - version 1
PRI - severity_code + (8 * facility_code) default_severity_code=5 (notice), default_facility_code=1 (user-level)
HOSTNAME hostname OR source OR host - os.Hostname()
MSGID - msgid Metric name
PROCID - procid -
MSG - msg -