*NIX Commands in Alphabetic Order 100+ Linux commands cheat sheet & examples A to Z Linux Commands UNIX Tutorial for Beginners A apropos arp at awk B basename C cal cat cd chgrp chmod chown cp cron curl curl ifconfig.me curl -s --socks5-hostname ifconfig.me cut D date dd df diff dig dirname dmesg dpkg du E echo emacs env expand F file find findmnt finger fmt fold free fsck G grep groupadd groupdel groupmod groups gzip H head history htop I id ifconfig iptables iwconfig J jobs K kill L last less ln locate ls lsof M man mesg mkdir mkfs mkfs.ext4 mkpasswd more mv mysqldump N nano nc netstat nohup nslookup O open P passwd paste ping print #like echo ps Q R read reboot rename rm rmdir rsync S scp screen sed seq sleep source stat shutdown su sudo T tail tar tee time timeout #running commands after a timeout with s(econods),h(ours),d(ays). E.g. "timeout 5s ping google.com top touch tr type U ulimit uname uniq upower uptime users useradd userdel usermod V vi vim W w wall wc whatis which who whoami write X xrandr #primitive command line interface ro RandR extension Y Z zgrep