- feat: NgForage now makes use of Angular 6's providedIn operator and therefore is more tree-shakeable
- feat: Importing NgForageModule is now optional in Angular 6 and up
- feat: NgForage can now be configured in NgForageModule.forRoot() by passing in the configuration params.
- feat: It's now possible to create dedicated instances via DedicatedInstanceFactory
- feat: Added toString() methods which return a JSON-encoded string of an object to all relevant classes.
- refactor: Symbol.toStringTag is now added without a support check as the polyfill is required by Angular
- refactor: Refactored internal and private methods + properties
- refactor: Removed extraneous @Injectable() decorations on classes that have factories
- feat: The library now makes use of better tree-shakeability provided by Angular 6.
- documentation: Added missing documentation for localForage as a peer dependency
- feat: It's now possible to create dedicated instances via DedicatedInstanceFactory
- feat: Added toString() methods which return a JSON-encoded string of an object to all relevant classes.
- refactor: Symbol.toStringTag is now added without a support check as the polyfill is required by Angular
- refactor: Refactored internal and private methods + properties
- refactor: Removed extraneous @Injectable() decorations on classes that have factories
- documentation: Added missing documentation for localForage as a peer dependency
- breaking: NgForageModule must now be imported in the app module via `NgForageModule.forRoot()`
- breaking: localForage is now a peer dependency
- build: The library is now packaged with ng-packagr
- feat: A sessionStorage wrapper driver is now available
- feat: NgForage and NgForageCache instances can now be cloned - this is useful mainly for services that can't have a providers annotation
- chore: Package cleanup
- fix: Fixed demo site generation