diff --git a/GUIDE.md b/GUIDE.md
index c6ac74e..3c1af18 100644
--- a/GUIDE.md
+++ b/GUIDE.md
@@ -12,20 +12,44 @@ Most of the Fortran codes use a `namelist` to input a few parameters from standa
This gives an easy way to specify default values in the program itself, and to use a
keyword-based syntax to specify values different from the default ones at run-time.
The input file, or string, should usually begin with `&nml` and end with `/`.
-As a minimum, the program will expect to read `&nml /` (an empty list), but to
-change the parameters, typical input might be
+As a minimum, the program will expect to read `&nml /` (an empty list),
+and on a Linux/Unix/bash system a typical command line would be
-&nml nblock=20, nstep=10000, dt=0.002 /
+echo '&nml /' | ./mc_nvt_lj
-and the `key=value` pairs may be set out on different lines if you wish.
+or similar.
+To change the parameters, the namelist input might include the new values like this
+&nml nblock=20, nstep=10000, temperature=2.0 /
+Alternatively the namelist may be supplied in a file,
+for instance `run.inp` containing
+and the program run like this
+./mc_nvt_lj < run.inp
+As indicated, the `key=value` pairs may be set out on different lines if you wish.
## Initial Configuration
Simulation runs for bulk liquids require a starting configuration which can usually be prepared using
the `initialize` program (built, by the default SConstruct file, in `build_initialize/`).
The default parameters produce an FCC configuration of 256 atoms at reduced density ρ=0.75,
writing out just the positions (for an MC program) to a file `cnf.inp`.
-If the parameter `velocities=.true.` is supplied, then positions and velocities are
-written to the file, corresponding to a reduced temperature _T_ = 1.0.
+You would run the program as described above,
+for instance on a Linux/Unix/bash system like this
+echo '&nml /' | ./initialize
+If the parameter `velocities=.true.` is supplied within the namelist,
+then positions and velocities are written to the file,
+corresponding to a reduced temperature _T_ = 1.0.
These values of ρ and _T_ (see below) lie in the liquid region of the Lennard-Jones phase diagram.
Non-default values may, of course, be supplied for this or other models.
The `cnf.inp` file may then be copied to the directory in which the run is carried out.
@@ -44,6 +68,32 @@ scales the velocities to change the kinetic energy per atom by a specified amoun
and/or the positions (and the box length) to change the density by a specified amount.
You may prefer to write your own program or script to perform these types of operation.
+## Visualizing configurations
+Our simulation configuration files have a very simple format:
+the first line is the number of molecules,
+the second line is the periodic box length (we always use cubic boxes),
+or occasionally the bond length (for chain molecules which are simulated without a box),
+and the third and subsequent lines each contain the coordinates of one atom or molecule.
+The first three numbers on each of these lines are always the (x,y,z) position,
+in simulation units (e.g. Lennard-Jones σ=1).
+The rest of the numbers on each line contain velocities, orientation vectors etc.,
+as appropriate.
+This format is not compatible with most molecular visualization programs,
+such as [JMOL](http://jmol.sourceforge.net/)
+or [VMD](http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/).
+However, conversion into the basic [XYZ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYZ_file_format) format
+is easily achieved using a simple program, script, or editor. For example,
+on most Linux/Unix systems, the `awk` language will be available:
+awk '(NR==1) {print} (NR==2) {print "Comment line"} (NR>2) {printf "%5s%15.6f%15.6f%15.6f\n", ("Ar"),($1*3.4),($2*3.4),($3*3.4)}' cnf.inp > cnf.xyz
+This produces a file which should be recognized as a set of Argon atoms with positions
+(in Angstroms) appropriate to their van der Waals diameter.
+This can be read into a molecular visualizer,
+which will typically have various options for representing the atoms.
+No attempt is made here to represent the periodicity of the system in the `cnf.xyz` file.
## Lennard-Jones simulation programs
A large number of the examples simulate the Lennard-Jones liquid.
Before discussing these in detail,
@@ -1197,8 +1247,8 @@ Larger values of _P_ give energies closer to the exact quantum mechanical canoni
For this simple model,
exact results can also be calculated for the finite values of _P_ used in the simulation
-* KS Schweizer, RM Stratt, D Chandler, PG Wolynes, _J Chem Phys,_ __75,__ 1347 (1981).
-* M Takahashi, M Imada, _J Phys Soc Japan,_ __53,__ 3765 (1984).
+* KS Schweizer, RM Stratt, D Chandler, PG Wolynes, _J Chem Phys,_ __75,__ 1347 (1981),
+* M Takahashi, M Imada, _J Phys Soc Japan,_ __53,__ 3765 (1984),
and a routine to evaluate these is included in the example.
No special techniques are used to accelerate the simulation;
@@ -1220,3 +1270,72 @@ _P_ | _E_ (MC) | _E_ (exact)
6 | 0.4694(6) | 0.468708
7 | 0.4778(6) | 0.477941
8 | 0.4846(9) | 0.484244
+The program `qmc_pi_lj` applies the path-integral method to the Lennard-Jones fluid.
+The simplest, primitive, algorithm is used,
+together with the crudest estimators for energy and pressure.
+The program uses
+single-particle Monte Carlo moves for the individual beads in the ring polymer,
+along with translations of the centre-of-mass of each polymer.
+As mentioned in the text, there are many improvements of all these aspects
+of the algorithm, which are recommended for production work.
+The program takes in configuration files `cnf##.inp` where the `##` reflects
+the polymer bead number, in the range 1 to _P_.
+These files have the same format as the classical Lennard-Jones configurations.
+They may be prepared in the same way as usual,
+from the `initialize` program, from a run of `mc_nvt_lj`
+at the appropriate density and temperature,
+or from a run of `qmc_pi_lj` for a different value of _P_.
+It does no harm if these starting configurations are simply duplicates of each other,
+provided that a preliminary run is conducted to allow the polymers to equilibrate,
+after which all the output files `cnf##.out` may be renamed to `cnf##.inp`.
+For testing, we compare with a set of simulations of neon,
+* M Neumann, M Zoppi, _Phys Rev E,_ __65,__ 031203 (2002),
+which are mainly based on an empirical pair potential,
+but include selected results for Lennard-Jones for the case _P_=32.
+The LJ parameters for neon are ε=36.8K, σ=0.2789nm, atomic mass _m_=20.18u,
+and hence a reduced de Boer parameter λ=0.092σ,
+which is the default value in the program.
+We choose their lowest-temperature state point,
+(_T_,ρ)=(25.8K,36.28nm-3)=(0.701087,0.787069) in reduced LJ units.
+We use _N_=108 atoms, compared with Neumann and Zoppi's _N_=256,
+and our runs are five times shorter (10 blocks of 10000 sweeps);
+these differences should not be critical.
+The maximum centre-of-mass displacement is 0.1σ.
+Because the intra-polymer springs increase in strength with _P_,
+the maximum displacement parameter for individual bead moves
+is reduced from 0.06σ for _P_=2
+down to 0.02σ for _P_=32.
+These choices give reasonable acceptance ratios for both kinds of move.
+In the table below we report:
+the rms radius _R_ of the ring polymers,
+the average spring potential _E_(spring) per atom,
+the kinetic energy _KE_ per atom,
+total energy _E_ per atom, and pressure _p_
+(the last two including the standard long-range correction
+for the applied cutoff _R_c=2.5σ).
+_P_ | _R_ | _E_(spring) | _KE_ | _E_ | _p_
+------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------
+1 † | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.052 | -4.692(1) | -0.756(5)
+2 | 0.04043(1) | 0.8963(7) | 1.2070(7) | -4.454(1) | -0.408(6)
+4 | 0.04942(1) | 2.906(1) | 1.301(1) | -4.320(3) | -0.231(9)
+8 | 0.05181(2) | 7.073(3) | 1.340(3) | -4.261(3) | -0.150(8)
+16 | 0.05247(2) | 15.479(4) | 1.347(4) | -4.252(4) | -0.148(5)
+32 | 0.05261(4) | 32.287(8) | 1.365(8) | -4.233(8) | -0.140(6)
+32 ‡ | 0.053 | 32.3008 | 1.352 | -4.227 | -0.039
+† For completeness the _P_=1 runs were performed using `mc_nvt_lj`.
+‡ These results are taken from Table I of Neumann and Zoppi (2002),
+converted into LJ reduced units.
+A drawback of this state point is that the pressure is negative,
+suggesting instability with respect to phase separation.
+Nonetheless we have seen no evidence of crystalline structure
+in the simulated configurations,
+and assume that the liquid phase is metastable.
diff --git a/python_examples/GUIDE.md b/python_examples/GUIDE.md
index 28ce35f..dfe1bd1 100644
--- a/python_examples/GUIDE.md
+++ b/python_examples/GUIDE.md
@@ -94,11 +94,30 @@ but Python does not have this.
to provide a keyword based syntax,
we input these values using the widespread [JSON](http://www.json.org/ "JSON home page") format.
-Typical input for a very simple example might be
+As a minimum, the program will expect to read `{}` (an empty list),
+and on a Linux/Unix/bash system a typical command line would be
-{ "nblock":10, "nstep":1000, "dt":0.005 }
+echo '{}' | ./mc_nvt_lj.py
-and the `"key":value` pairs may be set out on different lines if you wish.
+or similar.
+To change the parameters, the JSON list might include the new values like this
+{ "nblock":20, "nstep":1000, "temperature":2.0 }
+Alternatively the list may be supplied in a file,
+for instance `run.inp` containing
+and the program run like this
+./mc_nvt_lj.py < run.inp
+As indicated, the `"key":value` pairs may be set out on different lines if you wish.
The appearance is very similar to a Python dictionary,
and indeed the data is loaded and parsed into a dictionary for further processing.
Note carefully that we use a colon `:` rather than an equals sign to separate the
@@ -122,8 +141,14 @@ Simulation runs for bulk liquids require a starting configuration which can usua
the `initialize.py` program.
The default parameters produce an FCC configuration of 256 atoms at reduced density ρ=0.75,
writing out just the positions (for an MC program) to a file `cnf.inp`.
-If the parameter `"velocities":true` is supplied, then positions and velocities are
-written to the file, corresponding to a reduced temperature _T_ = 1.0.
+You would run the program as described above,
+for instance on a Linux/Unix/bash system like this
+echo '{}' | ./initialize.py
+If the parameter `"velocities":true` is supplied within the JSON list,
+then positions and velocities are written to the file,
+corresponding to a reduced temperature _T_ = 1.0.
These values of ρ and _T_ (see below) lie in the liquid region of the Lennard-Jones phase diagram.
Non-default values may, of course, be supplied for this or other models.
The `cnf.inp` file may then be copied to the directory in which the run is carried out.
@@ -143,6 +168,32 @@ scales the velocities to change the kinetic energy per atom by a specified amoun
and/or the positions (and the box length) to change the density by a specified amount.
You may prefer to write your own program or script to perform these types of operation.
+## Visualizing configurations
+Our simulation configuration files have a very simple format:
+the first line is the number of molecules,
+the second line is the periodic box length (we always use cubic boxes),
+or occasionally the bond length (for chain molecules which are simulated without a box),
+and the third and subsequent lines each contain the coordinates of one atom or molecule.
+The first three numbers on each of these lines are always the (x,y,z) position,
+in simulation units (e.g. Lennard-Jones σ=1).
+The rest of the numbers on each line contain velocities, orientation vectors etc.,
+as appropriate.
+This format is not compatible with most molecular visualization programs,
+such as [JMOL](http://jmol.sourceforge.net/)
+or [VMD](http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/).
+However, conversion into the basic [XYZ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XYZ_file_format) format
+is easily achieved using a simple program, script, or editor. For example,
+on most Linux/Unix systems, the `awk` language will be available:
+awk '(NR==1) {print} (NR==2) {print "Comment line"} (NR>2) {printf "%5s%15.6f%15.6f%15.6f\n", ("Ar"),($1*3.4),($2*3.4),($3*3.4)}' cnf.inp > cnf.xyz
+This produces a file which should be recognized as a set of Argon atoms with positions
+(in Angstroms) appropriate to their van der Waals diameter.
+This can be read into a molecular visualizer,
+which will typically have various options for representing the atoms.
+No attempt is made here to represent the periodicity of the system in the `cnf.xyz` file.
## Lennard-Jones simulation programs
State points for the Lennard-Jones potential,
in its cut (but not shifted) form, denoted (c),
@@ -1059,3 +1110,75 @@ _P_ | _E_ (MC) | _E_ (exact)
6 | 0.4686(4) | 0.468708
7 | 0.4777(6) | 0.477941
8 | 0.4847(9) | 0.484244
+The program `qmc_pi_lj.py` applies the path-integral method to the Lennard-Jones fluid.
+The simplest, primitive, algorithm is used,
+together with the crudest estimators for energy and pressure.
+The program uses
+single-particle Monte Carlo moves for the individual beads in the ring polymer,
+along with translations of the centre-of-mass of each polymer.
+As mentioned in the text, there are many improvements of all these aspects
+of the algorithm, which are recommended for production work.
+The program takes in configuration files `cnf##.inp` where the `##` reflects
+the polymer bead number, in the range 0 to _P_-1.
+These files have the same format as the classical Lennard-Jones configurations.
+They may be prepared in the same way as usual,
+from the `initialize.py` program, from a run of `mc_nvt_lj.py`
+at the appropriate density and temperature,
+or from a run of `qmc_pi_lj.py` for a different value of _P_.
+It does no harm if these starting configurations are simply duplicates of each other,
+provided that a preliminary run is conducted to allow the polymers to equilibrate,
+after which all the output files `cnf##.out` may be renamed to `cnf##.inp`.
+For testing, we compare with a set of simulations of neon,
+* M Neumann, M Zoppi, _Phys Rev E,_ __65,__ 031203 (2002),
+which are mainly based on an empirical pair potential,
+but include selected results for Lennard-Jones for the case _P_=32.
+The LJ parameters for neon are ε=36.8K, σ=0.2789nm, atomic mass _m_=20.18u,
+and hence a reduced de Boer parameter λ=0.092σ,
+which is the default value in the program.
+We choose their lowest-temperature state point,
+(_T_,ρ)=(25.8K,36.28nm-3)=(0.701087,0.787069) in reduced LJ units.
+We use _N_=108 atoms, compared with Neumann and Zoppi's _N_=256,
+and our runs are five times shorter (10 blocks of 10000 sweeps);
+these differences should not be critical.
+(Note that the program default run length is still shorter).
+The maximum centre-of-mass displacement is 0.1σ.
+Because the intra-polymer springs increase in strength with _P_,
+the maximum displacement parameter for individual bead moves
+is reduced from 0.06σ for _P_=2
+down to 0.03σ for _P_=16.
+These choices give reasonable acceptance ratios for both kinds of move.
+Because of the slowness of the program, we do not attempt the _P_=32 case;
+nonetheless the trend is fairly clear in the table below,
+and we can compare directly with the results of the corresponding Fortran example.
+In the table below we report:
+the rms radius _R_ of the ring polymers,
+the average spring potential _E_(spring) per atom,
+the kinetic energy _KE_ per atom,
+total energy _E_ per atom, and pressure _p_
+(the last two including the standard long-range correction
+for the applied cutoff _R_c=2.5σ).
+_P_ | _R_ | _E_(spring) | _KE_ | _E_ | _p_
+------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------ | ------
+1 † | 0.0 | 0.0 | 1.052 | -4.692(1) | -0.756(6)
+2 | 0.04043(1) | 0.8961(6) | 1.2072(6) | -4.455(2) | -0.411(7)
+4 | 0.04942(1) | 2.906(1) | 1.300(1) | -4.321(1) | -0.236(9)
+8 | 0.05183(1) | 7.075(2) | 1.338(2) | -4.266(3) | -0.166(8)
+16 | 0.05246(3) | 15.480(3) | 1.346(3) | -4.258(4) | -0.17(1)
+32 ‡ | 0.053 | 32.3008 | 1.352 | -4.227 | -0.039
+† For completeness the _P_=1 runs were performed using `mc_nvt_lj.py`.
+‡ These results are taken from Table I of Neumann and Zoppi (2002),
+converted into LJ reduced units.
+A drawback of this state point is that the pressure is negative,
+suggesting instability with respect to phase separation.
+Nonetheless we have seen no evidence of crystalline structure
+in the simulated configurations,
+and assume that the liquid phase is metastable.
diff --git a/python_examples/qmc_pi_lj.py b/python_examples/qmc_pi_lj.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0b4bec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_examples/qmc_pi_lj.py
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# qmc_pi_lj.py
+# This software was written in 2016/17 #
+# by Michael P. Allen / #
+# and Dominic J. Tildesley ("the authors"), #
+# to accompany the book "Computer Simulation of Liquids", second edition, 2017 ("the text"), #
+# published by Oxford University Press ("the publishers"). #
+# #
+# Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication. #
+# To the extent possible under law, the authors have dedicated all copyright and related #
+# and neighboring rights to this software to the PUBLIC domain worldwide. #
+# This software is distributed without any warranty. #
+# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. #
+# If not, see . #
+# #
+# The authors and publishers make no warranties about the software, and disclaim liability #
+# for all uses of the software, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. #
+# The authors and publishers do not recommend use of this software for any purpose. #
+# It is made freely available, solely to clarify points made in the text. When using or citing #
+# the software, you should not imply endorsement by the authors or publishers. #
+"""Quantum Monte Carlo, path-integral method."""
+def calc_variables ( ):
+ """Calculates all variables of interest.
+ They are collected and returned as a list, for use in the main program.
+ """
+ # In this example we simulate using the cut (but not shifted) potential
+ # but we only report results which have had the long-range corrections applied
+ # The value of the cut-and-shifted potential is not used, in this example
+ import numpy as np
+ import math
+ from averages_module import VariableType
+ from lrc_module import potential_lrc, pressure_lrc
+ # Preliminary calculations (n,r,total are taken from the calling program)
+ vol = box**3 # Volume
+ rho = n / vol # Density
+ kin = 1.5 * n * p * temperature # Average kinetic energy for NP-atom system
+ kin_q = kin - total_spr # Quantum estimator for kinetic energy
+ rad_g = rad_gyr ( r )
+ # Variables of interest, of class VariableType, containing three attributes:
+ # .val: the instantaneous value
+ # .nam: used for headings
+ # .method: indicating averaging method
+ # If not set below, .method adopts its default value of avg
+ # The .nam and some other attributes need only be defined once, at the start of the program,
+ # but for clarity and readability we assign all the values together below
+ # Acceptance ratio of atomic moves
+ r_r = VariableType ( nam = 'Atomic move ratio', val = r_ratio, instant = False )
+ # Acceptance ratio of centre-of-mass moves
+ c_r = VariableType ( nam = 'COM move ratio', val = c_ratio, instant = False )
+ # Internal energy per atom for full potential with LRC
+ # LRC plus cut (but not shifted) PE already divided by factor P
+ # plus KE estimator: total classical KE for NP-atom system MINUS total spring potential
+ # all divided by N
+ e_f = VariableType ( nam = 'E/N full', val = potential_lrc(rho,r_cut) + (kin_q+total.pot)/n )
+ # Kinetic energy per atom, just for interest's sake
+ k_q = VariableType ( nam = 'KE/N', val = kin_q/n )
+ # Pressure for full potential with LRC
+ # LRC plus ideal gas contribution plus total virial divided by V
+ kin_q = kin_q / 1.5 # Convert KE estimator to kinetic energy part of pressure
+ p_f = VariableType ( nam = 'P full', val = pressure_lrc(rho,r_cut) + (kin_q+total.vir)/vol )
+ # Quantum spring energy per atom, just for interest's sake
+ e_q = VariableType ( nam = 'Espring/N', val = total_spr/n )
+ # Quantum polymer radius of gyration, just for interest's sake
+ r_g = VariableType ( nam = 'Radius of gyration', val = rad_g )
+ # Collect together into a list for averaging
+ return [ r_r, c_r, e_f, p_f, e_q, k_q, r_g ]
+def rad_gyr ( r ):
+ """Calculate average radius of gyration of polymers."""
+ import numpy as np
+ # The formula we use involves a single sweep over atoms, and is origin-independent
+ # To implement periodic boundaries, we take the origin on atom 1
+ r_g = 0.0 # Zero function accumulator
+ p, n, d = r.shape
+ assert d==3, 'Dimension error for r'
+ r_g = 0.0
+ for i in range(n): # Loop over polymers
+ ri = r[1:,i,:] - r[0,i,:] # Get coordinates of beads 1.. in polymer relative to bead 0
+ ri = ri - np.rint(ri) # Position with PBC applied (box = 1 units)
+ r_cm = np.sum(ri,axis=0) / p # centre-of-mass vector
+ r_sq = np.sum(ri**2) / p # mean-squared distance
+ r_sq = r_sq - np.sum(r_cm**2) # squared radius of gyration
+ if r_sq<0.0:
+ r_sq=0.0 # Guard against roundoff
+ r_g = r_g + np.sqrt(r_sq) # Accumulate root-mean-square radius of gyration
+ return box * r_g / n # Average RMS Rg in sigma=1 units
+# Takes in a configuration of atoms (positions)
+# Cubic periodic boundary conditions
+# Conducts path-integral Monte Carlo at the given temperature
+# Uses no special neighbour lists
+# Reads several variables and options from standard input using JSON format
+# Leave input empty "{}" to accept supplied defaults
+# Positions r are divided by box length after reading in
+# However, input configuration, output configuration, most calculations, and all results
+# are given in simulation units defined by the model
+# For example, for Lennard-Jones, sigma = 1, epsilon = 1
+# The importance of quantum effects is specified through the reduced de Boer length
+# deboer = (hbar/sqrt(mass*epsilon))/sigma which takes typical values of
+# 0.01 for Xe, 0.03 for Ar, and 0.095 for Ne.
+# This means that the quantum spring constant may be expressed k_spring = P*(T/deboer)**2
+# where T stands for the reduced temperature kB*T/epsilon
+# Despite the program name, there is nothing here specific to Lennard-Jones
+# The model is defined in qmc_module
+import json
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from config_io_module import read_cnf_atoms, write_cnf_atoms
+from averages_module import run_begin, run_end, blk_begin, blk_end, blk_add
+from maths_module import random_translate_vector, metropolis
+from qmc_pi_lj_module import introduction, conclusion, potential, spring, potential_1, spring_1, PotentialType
+cnf_prefix = 'cnf'
+inp_tag = 'inp'
+out_tag = 'out'
+sav_tag = 'sav'
+print('Path-integral Monte Carlo, constant-NVT ensemble')
+print('Simulation uses cut (but not shifted) potential')
+# Read parameters in JSON format
+ nml = json.load(sys.stdin)
+except json.JSONDecodeError:
+ print('Exiting on Invalid JSON format')
+ sys.exit()
+# Set default values, check keys and typecheck values
+defaults = {"nblock":10, "nstep":1000, "temperature":0.701087, "r_cut":2.5,
+ "dr_max":0.05, "dc_max":0.1, "p":4, "deboer":0.092}
+for key, val in nml.items():
+ if key in defaults:
+ assert type(val) == type(defaults[key]), key+" has the wrong type"
+ else:
+ print('Warning', key, 'not in ',list(defaults.keys()))
+# Set parameters to input values or defaults
+nblock = nml["nblock"] if "nblock" in nml else defaults["nblock"]
+nstep = nml["nstep"] if "nstep" in nml else defaults["nstep"]
+temperature = nml["temperature"] if "temperature" in nml else defaults["temperature"]
+r_cut = nml["r_cut"] if "r_cut" in nml else defaults["r_cut"]
+dr_max = nml["dr_max"] if "dr_max" in nml else defaults["dr_max"]
+dc_max = nml["dc_max"] if "dc_max" in nml else defaults["dc_max"]
+p = nml["p"] if "p" in nml else defaults["p"]
+deboer = nml["deboer"] if "deboer" in nml else defaults["deboer"]
+# Write out parameters
+print( "{:40}{:15d} ".format('Size of each ring polymer', p) )
+print( "{:40}{:15d} ".format('Number of blocks', nblock) )
+print( "{:40}{:15d} ".format('Number of steps per block', nstep) )
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Temperature', temperature) )
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Potential cutoff distance', r_cut) )
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Maximum displacement', dr_max) )
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Maximum COM displacement', dc_max) )
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('de Boer length', deboer) )
+assert p>1 and p<100, 'p must lie between 2 and 99'
+k_spring = p * ( temperature / deboer ) ** 2
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Quantum spring constant', k_spring) )
+# Read in initial configuration
+# Read each polymer index from a unique file; we assume that n and box are all the same!
+n, box, r = read_cnf_atoms ( cnf_prefix+'00.'+inp_tag) # Read first LJ configuration to get basic parameters n and box
+print( "{:40}{:15d} ".format('Number of particles', n) )
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Box length', box) )
+print( "{:40}{:15.6f}".format('Density', n/box**3) )
+r = np.empty( (p,n,3), dtype=np.float_ )
+for k in range(p):
+ n, box, r[k,:,:] = read_cnf_atoms ( cnf_prefix+str(k).zfill(2)+'.'+inp_tag)
+r = r / box # Convert positions to box units
+r = r - np.rint ( r ) # Periodic boundaries
+# Calculate classical LJ and quantum spring potential energies & check overlap
+total = potential ( box, r_cut, r )
+assert not total.ovr, 'Overlap in initial configuration'
+total_spr = spring ( box, k_spring, r )
+# Initialize arrays for averaging and write column headings
+r_ratio = 0.0
+c_ratio = 0.0
+run_begin ( calc_variables() )
+for blk in range(1,nblock+1): # Loop over blocks
+ blk_begin()
+ for stp in range(nstep): # Loop over steps
+ r_moves = 0
+ c_moves = 0
+ for i in range(n): # Loop over atoms
+ # Centre of mass move
+ dc = random_translate_vector ( dc_max/box, np.zeros(3,dtype=np.float_) )
+ partial_old = PotentialType ( 0.0, 0.0, False )
+ partial_new = PotentialType ( 0.0, 0.0, False )
+ for k in range(p): # Loop over ring polymer indices
+ rkj = np.delete(r[k,:,:],i,0) # Array of all other atoms for this k
+ partial_old = partial_old + potential_1 ( r[k,i,:], box, r_cut, rkj, p ) # Old atom classical potential etc
+ rki = r[k,i,:] + dc
+ rki = rki - np.rint(rki)
+ partial_new = partial_new + potential_1 ( rki, box, r_cut, rkj, p ) # New atom classical potential etc
+ assert not partial_old.ovr, 'Overlap in current configuration'
+ if not partial_new.ovr: # Test for non-overlapping configuration
+ delta = partial_new.pot - partial_old.pot # Change in classical cut (but not shifted) potential
+ delta = delta / temperature
+ if metropolis ( delta ): # Accept Metropolis test
+ total = total + partial_new - partial_old # Update total values
+ r[:,i,:] = r[:,i,:] + dc # Update positions
+ r[:,i,:] = r[:,i,:] - np.rint(r[:,i,:]) # Periodic boundary conditions
+ c_moves = c_moves + 1 # Increment move counter
+ # Individual atom moves
+ for k in range(p): # Loop over ring polymer indices
+ rkj = np.delete(r[k,:,:],i,0) # Array of all the other atoms
+ partial_old = potential_1 ( r[k,i,:], box, r_cut, rkj, p ) # Old atom classical potential etc
+ assert not partial_old.ovr, 'Overlap in current configuration'
+ kp = (k+1)%p
+ km = (k-1)%p
+ partial_old_spr = ( spring_1 ( r[k,i,:], r[km,i,:], box, k_spring )
+ + spring_1 ( r[k,i,:], r[kp,i,:], box, k_spring ) )
+ rki = random_translate_vector ( dr_max/box, r[k,i,:] ) # Trial move to new position (in box=1 units)
+ rki = rki - np.rint ( rki ) # Periodic boundary correction
+ partial_new = potential_1 ( rki, box, r_cut, rkj, p ) # New atom potential, virial etc
+ if not partial_new.ovr: # Test for non-overlapping configuration
+ partial_new_spr = ( spring_1 ( rki, r[km,i,:], box, k_spring )
+ + spring_1 ( rki, r[kp,i,:], box, k_spring ) )
+ delta = partial_new.pot - partial_old.pot # Change in classical cut (but not shifted) potential
+ delta = delta + partial_new_spr - partial_old_spr # Add change in quantum potential
+ delta = delta / temperature
+ if metropolis ( delta ): # Accept Metropolis test
+ total = total + partial_new - partial_old # Update total values
+ total_spr = total_spr + partial_new_spr - partial_old_spr # Update quantum system potential
+ r[k,i,:] = rki # Update position
+ r_moves = r_moves + 1 # Increment move counter
+ r_ratio = r_moves / (n*p)
+ c_ratio = c_moves / n
+ blk_add ( calc_variables() )
+ blk_end(blk) # Output block averages
+ sav_tag = str(blk).zfill(3) if blk<1000 else 'sav' # Number configuration by block
+ for k in range(p):
+ write_cnf_atoms ( cnf_prefix+str(k).zfill(2)+'.'+sav_tag, n, box, r[k,:,:]*box ) # Save configuration
+run_end ( calc_variables() )
+total = potential ( box, r_cut, r ) # Double check book-keeping
+assert not total.ovr, 'Overlap in final configuration'
+total_spr = spring ( box, k_spring, r )
+for k in range(p):
+ write_cnf_atoms ( cnf_prefix+str(k).zfill(2)+'.'+out_tag, n, box, r[k,:,:]*box ) # Save configuration
diff --git a/python_examples/qmc_pi_lj_module.py b/python_examples/qmc_pi_lj_module.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b05a50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_examples/qmc_pi_lj_module.py
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# qmc_pi_lj_module.py
+# This software was written in 2016/17 #
+# by Michael P. Allen / #
+# and Dominic J. Tildesley ("the authors"), #
+# to accompany the book "Computer Simulation of Liquids", second edition, 2017 ("the text"), #
+# published by Oxford University Press ("the publishers"). #
+# #
+# Creative Commons CC0 Public Domain Dedication. #
+# To the extent possible under law, the authors have dedicated all copyright and related #
+# and neighboring rights to this software to the PUBLIC domain worldwide. #
+# This software is distributed without any warranty. #
+# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software. #
+# If not, see . #
+# #
+# The authors and publishers make no warranties about the software, and disclaim liability #
+# for all uses of the software, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. #
+# The authors and publishers do not recommend use of this software for any purpose. #
+# It is made freely available, solely to clarify points made in the text. When using or citing #
+# the software, you should not imply endorsement by the authors or publishers. #
+"""Energy and move routines for PIMC simulation, LJ potential."""
+fast = True # Change this to replace NumPy potential evaluation with slower Python
+class PotentialType:
+ """A composite variable for interactions."""
+ def __init__(self, pot, vir, ovr):
+ self.pot = pot # the potential energy cut (but not shifted) at r_cut
+ self.vir = vir # the virial
+ self.ovr = ovr # a flag indicating overlap (i.e. pot too high to use)
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ pot = self.pot + other.pot
+ vir = self.vir + other.vir
+ ovr = self.ovr or other.ovr
+ return PotentialType(pot,vir,ovr)
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ pot = self.pot - other.pot
+ vir = self.vir - other.vir
+ ovr = self.ovr or other.ovr # This is meaningless, but inconsequential
+ return PotentialType(pot,vir,ovr)
+def introduction():
+ """Prints out introductory statements at start of run."""
+ print('Lennard-Jones potential')
+ print('Cut (but not shifted)')
+ print('Diameter, sigma = 1')
+ print('Well depth, epsilon = 1')
+ if fast:
+ print('Fast NumPy potential routine')
+ else:
+ print('Slow Python potential routine')
+def conclusion():
+ """Prints out concluding statements at end of run."""
+ print('Program ends')
+def potential ( box, r_cut, r ):
+ """Takes in box, cutoff range, and coordinate array, and calculates total potential etc.
+ The results are returned as total, a PotentialType variable.
+ """
+ # Actual calculation performed by function potential_1
+ p, n, d = r.shape
+ assert d==3, 'Dimension error for r'
+ total = PotentialType ( pot=0.0, vir=0.0, ovr=False )
+ for k in range(p):
+ for i in range(n-1):
+ partial = potential_1 ( r[k,i,:], box, r_cut, r[k,i+1:,:], p )
+ if partial.ovr:
+ total.ovr = True
+ return total
+ total = total + partial
+ return total
+def potential_1 ( rki, box, r_cut, r, p ):
+ """Takes in coordinates of an atom and calculates its interactions.
+ Values of box, cutoff range, and partner coordinate array are supplied.
+ The results are returned as partial, a PotentialType variable.
+ """
+ import numpy as np
+ # partial.pot is the nonbonded cut (not shifted) potential energy of atom rki with a set of other atoms
+ # partial.vir is the corresponding virial of atom rki
+ # partial.lap is the corresponding Laplacian of atom rki
+ # partial.ovr is a flag indicating overlap (potential too high) to avoid overflow
+ # If this is True, the values of partial.pot etc should not be used
+ # In general, r will be a subset of the complete set of simulation coordinates
+ # and none of its rows should be identical to rki
+ # It is assumed that positions are in units where box = 1
+ # Forces are calculated in units where sigma = 1 and epsilon = 1
+ nj, d = r.shape
+ assert d==3, 'Dimension error for r in potential_1'
+ assert rki.size==3, 'Dimension error for rki in potential_1'
+ sr2_ovr = 1.77 # Overlap threshold (pot > 100)
+ r_cut_box = r_cut / box
+ r_cut_box_sq = r_cut_box ** 2
+ box_sq = box ** 2
+ if fast:
+ r_ki_kj = rki - r # Get all separation vectors from partners
+ r_ki_kj = r_ki_kj - np.rint(r_ki_kj) # Periodic boundary conditions in box=1 units
+ r_ki_kj_sq = np.sum(r_ki_kj**2,axis=1) # Squared separations
+ in_range = r_ki_kj_sq < r_cut_box_sq # Set flags for within cutoff
+ r_ki_kj_sq = r_ki_kj_sq * box_sq # Now in sigma=1 units
+ sr2 = np.where ( in_range, 1.0 / r_ki_kj_sq, 0.0 ) # (sigma/r_ki_kj)**2, only if in range
+ ovr = sr2 > sr2_ovr # Set flags for any overlaps
+ if np.any(ovr):
+ partial = PotentialType ( pot=0.0, vir=0.0, ovr=True )
+ return partial
+ sr6 = sr2 ** 3
+ sr12 = sr6 ** 2
+ pot = sr12 - sr6 # LJ pair potentials (cut but not shifted)
+ vir = pot + sr12 # LJ pair virials
+ partial = PotentialType ( pot=np.sum(pot), vir=np.sum(vir), ovr=False )
+ else:
+ partial = PotentialType ( pot=0.0, vir=0.0, ovr=False )
+ for rkj in r:
+ r_ki_kj = rki - rkj # Separation vector
+ r_ki_kj = r_ki_kj - np.rint(r_ki_kj) # Periodic boundary conditions in box=1 units
+ r_ki_kj_sq = np.sum(r_ki_kj**2) # Squared separation
+ if r_ki_kj_sq < r_cut_box_sq: # Check within cutoff
+ r_ki_kj_sq = r_ki_kj_sq * box_sq # Now in sigma=1 units
+ sr2 = 1.0 / r_ki_kj_sq # (sigma/r_ki_kj)**2
+ ovr = sr2 > sr2_ovr # Overlap if too close
+ if ovr:
+ partial.ovr=True
+ return partial
+ sr6 = sr2 ** 3
+ sr12 = sr6 ** 2
+ pot = sr12 - sr6 # LJ pair potential (cut but not shifted)
+ vir = pot + sr12 # LJ pair virial
+ partial = partial + PotentialType ( pot=pot, vir=vir, ovr=ovr )
+ # Include numerical factors
+ partial.pot = partial.pot * 4.0 / p # Classical potentials are weaker by a factor p
+ partial.vir = partial.vir * 24.0 / (3*p) # 24*epsilon and divide virial by 3 & by p
+ return partial
+def spring ( box, k_spring, r ):
+ """Takes in box, spring strength, and coordinate array, and calculates quantum spring potential."""
+ import numpy as np
+ # Actual calculation performed by function spring_1
+ p, n, d = r.shape
+ assert d==3, 'Dimension error for r in potential'
+ total = 0.0
+ for i in range(n): # Loop over ring polymers
+ for k in range(p): # Loop over atoms within polymer
+ kp = (k+1)%p # Neighbour index
+ partial = spring_1 ( r[k,i,:], r[kp,i,:], box, k_spring )
+ total = total + partial
+ return total
+def spring_1 ( rki, rli, box, k_spring ):
+ """Returns quantum potential for given atom."""
+ import numpy as np
+ # Coordinate array of neighbour is supplied
+ r_ki_li = rki - rli # Separation vector
+ r_ki_li = r_ki_li - np.rint(r_ki_li) # Periodic boundary conditions in box=1 units
+ r_ki_li_sq = np.sum(r_ki_li**2) * box**2 # Squared separation in sigma=1 units
+ return 0.5 * k_spring * r_ki_li_sq
diff --git a/qmc_pi_lj.f90 b/qmc_pi_lj.f90
index e56bb2b..a56485e 100644
--- a/qmc_pi_lj.f90
+++ b/qmc_pi_lj.f90
@@ -59,15 +59,18 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
REAL :: box ! Box length
REAL :: lambda ! de Boer length
REAL :: dr_max ! Maximum MC displacement
+ REAL :: dc_max ! Maximum centre-of-mass MC displacement
REAL :: temperature ! Specified temperature
REAL :: r_cut ! Potential cutoff distance
! Composite interaction = pot & ovr variables
TYPE(potential_type) :: total, partial_old, partial_new
- INTEGER :: blk, stp, i, k, nstep, nblock, moves, ioerr
- REAL :: total_spr, partial_old_spr, partial_new_spr, delta, k_spring, m_ratio
- REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: rik
+ INTEGER :: blk, stp, i, k, km, kp, nstep, nblock, r_moves, c_moves, ioerr
+ REAL :: total_spr, partial_old_spr, partial_new_spr, delta, k_spring
+ REAL :: r_ratio, c_ratio
+ REAL :: rad_g
+ REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: rik, dc
CHARACTER(len=3), PARAMETER :: inp_tag = 'inp'
CHARACTER(len=3), PARAMETER :: out_tag = 'out'
@@ -75,7 +78,7 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
CHARACTER(len=6) :: cnf_prefix = 'cnf##.' ! Will have polymer id inserted
CHARACTER(len=2) :: k_tag ! Will contain polymer id
- NAMELIST /nml/ nblock, nstep, p, temperature, r_cut, dr_max, lambda
+ NAMELIST /nml/ nblock, nstep, p, temperature, r_cut, dr_max, dc_max, lambda
WRITE ( unit=output_unit, fmt='(a)' ) 'qmc_pi_lj'
WRITE ( unit=output_unit, fmt='(a)' ) 'Path-integral Monte Carlo, constant-NVT ensemble'
@@ -86,12 +89,13 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
! Set sensible default run parameters for testing
nblock = 10
- nstep = 1000
- temperature = 0.7
+ nstep = 10000
+ temperature = 0.701087
r_cut = 2.5
- dr_max = 0.15
+ dr_max = 0.05
+ dc_max = 0.1
p = 4
- lambda = 0.1
+ lambda = 0.092 ! from Ne parameters epsilon=36.8K, sigma=0.2789nm, m=20.18u
! Read run parameters from namelist
! Comment out, or replace, this section if you don't like namelists
@@ -110,6 +114,7 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
WRITE ( unit=output_unit, fmt='(a,t40,f15.6)' ) 'Temperature', temperature
WRITE ( unit=output_unit, fmt='(a,t40,f15.6)' ) 'Potential cutoff distance', r_cut
WRITE ( unit=output_unit, fmt='(a,t40,f15.6)' ) 'Maximum displacement', dr_max
+ WRITE ( unit=output_unit, fmt='(a,t40,f15.6)' ) 'Maximum COM displacement', dc_max
WRITE ( unit=output_unit, fmt='(a,t40,f15.6)' ) 'de Boer length', lambda
IF ( p < 2 .OR. p > 99 ) THEN
WRITE ( unit=error_unit, fmt='(a,i15)') 'p must lie between 2 and 99', p
@@ -143,7 +148,8 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
total_spr = spring ( box, k_spring )
! Initialize arrays for averaging and write column headings
- m_ratio = 0.0
+ r_ratio = 0.0
+ c_ratio = 0.0
CALL run_begin ( calc_variables() )
DO blk = 1, nblock ! Begin loop over blocks
@@ -152,10 +158,45 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
DO stp = 1, nstep ! Begin loop over steps
- moves = 0
+ r_moves = 0
+ c_moves = 0
DO i = 1, n ! Begin loop over atoms
+ ! Centre of mass move
+ dc = 0.0
+ dc = random_translate_vector ( dc_max/box, dc ) ! Random displacement
+ partial_old = potential_type ( 0.0, 0.0, .FALSE. )
+ partial_new = potential_type ( 0.0, 0.0, .FALSE. )
+ DO k = 1, p ! Loop over ring polymer indices
+ partial_old = partial_old + potential_1 ( r(:,i,k), i, k, box, r_cut ) ! Old atom classical potential etc
+ rik(:) = r(:,i,k) + dc
+ rik(:) = rik(:) - ANINT ( rik(:) ) ! Periodic boundary correction
+ partial_new = partial_new + potential_1 ( rik, i, k, box, r_cut ) ! New atom classical potential etc
+ IF ( partial_old%ovr ) THEN ! should never happen
+ WRITE ( unit=error_unit, fmt='(a)') 'Overlap in current configuration'
+ STOP 'Error in qmc_pi_lj'
+ IF ( .NOT. partial_new%ovr ) THEN ! Test for non-overlapping configuration
+ delta = partial_new%pot - partial_old%pot ! Change in classical cut (but not shifted) potential
+ delta = delta / temperature ! Divide by temperature
+ IF ( metropolis ( delta ) ) THEN ! Accept Metropolis test
+ total = total + partial_new - partial_old ! Update classical total values
+ r(:,i,:) = r(:,i,:) + SPREAD ( dc, dim=2, ncopies=p ) ! Update position
+ r(:,i,:) = r(:,i,:) - ANINT ( r(:,i,:) ) ! Periodic boundary corrections
+ c_moves = c_moves + 1 ! Increment move counter
+ END IF ! End accept Metropolis test
+ END IF ! End test for non-overlapping configuration
+ ! Individual atom moves
DO k = 1, p ! Begin loop over ring polymer indices
partial_old = potential_1 ( r(:,i,k), i, k, box, r_cut ) ! Old atom classical potential etc
@@ -165,7 +206,13 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
STOP 'Error in qmc_pi_lj'
- partial_old_spr = spring_1 ( r(:,i,k), i, k, box, k_spring ) ! Old atom quantum potential
+ ! Get neighbour indices
+ kp = k+1
+ IF ( kp > p ) kp = 1
+ km = k-1
+ if ( km < 1 ) km = p
+ partial_old_spr = spring_1 ( r(:,i,k), r(:,i,km), box, k_spring ) &
+ & + spring_1 ( r(:,i,k), r(:,i,kp), box, k_spring ) ! Old atom quantum potential
rik(:) = random_translate_vector ( dr_max/box, r(:,i,k) ) ! Trial move to new position (in box=1 units)
rik(:) = rik(:) - ANINT ( rik(:) ) ! Periodic boundary correction
@@ -174,7 +221,8 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
IF ( .NOT. partial_new%ovr ) THEN ! Test for non-overlapping configuration
- partial_new_spr = spring_1 ( rik, i, k, box, k_spring ) ! New atom quantum potential
+ partial_new_spr = spring_1 ( rik, r(:,i,km), box, k_spring ) &
+ & + spring_1 ( rik, r(:,i,kp), box, k_spring ) ! New atom quantum potential
delta = partial_new%pot - partial_old%pot ! Change in classical cut (but not shifted) potential
delta = delta + partial_new_spr - partial_old_spr ! Add change in quantum potential
@@ -184,7 +232,7 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
total = total + partial_new - partial_old ! Update classical total values
total_spr = total_spr + partial_new_spr - partial_old_spr ! Update quantum system potential
r(:,i,k) = rik ! Update position
- moves = moves + 1 ! Increment move counter
+ r_moves = r_moves + 1 ! Increment move counter
END IF ! End accept Metropolis test
END IF ! End test for non-overlapping configuration
@@ -193,7 +241,8 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
END DO ! End loop over atoms
- m_ratio = REAL(moves) / REAL(n)
+ r_ratio = REAL(r_moves) / REAL(n*p)
+ c_ratio = REAL(c_moves) / REAL(n)
! Calculate and accumulate variables for this step
CALL blk_add ( calc_variables() )
@@ -232,27 +281,27 @@ PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
FUNCTION calc_variables ( ) RESULT ( variables )
- USE lrc_module, ONLY : potential_lrc
+ USE lrc_module, ONLY : potential_lrc, pressure_lrc
USE averages_module, ONLY : variable_type
- TYPE(variable_type), DIMENSION(3) :: variables ! The 3 variables listed below
+ TYPE(variable_type), DIMENSION(7) :: variables ! The 7 variables listed below
! This routine calculates all variables of interest and (optionally) writes them out
! They are collected together in the variables array, for use in the main program
! In this example we simulate using the cut (but not shifted) potential
- ! The values of < e_c > and < density > should be consistent (for this potential)
- ! For comparison, long-range corrections are also applied to give
- ! an estimate of < e_f > for the full (uncut) potential
+ ! but we only report results which have had the long-range corrections applied
! The value of the cut-and-shifted potential is not used, in this example
- TYPE(variable_type) :: m_r, e_c, e_f
- REAL :: vol, rho, kin
+ TYPE(variable_type) :: r_r, c_r, e_f, p_f, e_q, k_q, r_g
+ REAL :: vol, rho, kin, kin_q
! Preliminary calculations
- vol = box**3 ! Volume
- rho = REAL(n) / vol ! Density
- kin = 1.5 * n * p * temperature ! Average kinetic energy for NP-atom system
+ vol = box**3 ! Volume
+ rho = REAL(n) / vol ! Density
+ kin = 1.5 * n * p * temperature ! Average kinetic energy for NP-atom system
+ kin_q = kin - total_spr ! Quantum estimator for kinetic energy
+ rad_g = rad_gyr ( r )
! Variables of interest, of type variable_type, containing three components:
! %val: the instantaneous value
@@ -262,25 +311,74 @@ FUNCTION calc_variables ( ) RESULT ( variables )
! The %nam and some other components need only be defined once, at the start of the program,
! but for clarity and readability we assign all the values together below
- ! Acceptance ratio of moves
- m_r = variable_type ( nam = 'Move ratio', val = m_ratio, instant = .FALSE. )
+ ! Acceptance ratio of atomic moves
+ r_r = variable_type ( nam = 'Atomic move ratio', val = r_ratio, instant = .FALSE. )
- ! Internal energy per atom for simulated, cut, potential
- ! Total (cut but not shifted) PE already divided by factor P
- ! plus total classical KE for NP-atom system MINUS total spring potential
- ! all divided by N
- e_c = variable_type ( nam = 'E/N cut', val = (kin+total%pot-total_spr)/REAL(n) )
+ ! Acceptance ratio of centre-of-mass moves
+ c_r = variable_type ( nam = 'COM move ratio', val = c_ratio, instant = .FALSE. )
! Internal energy per atom for full potential with LRC
! LRC plus total (cut but not shifted) PE already divided by factor P
- ! plus total classical KE for NP-atom system MINUS total spring potential
+ ! plus KE estimator: total classical KE for NP-atom system MINUS total spring potential
! all divided by N
- e_f = variable_type ( nam = 'E/N full', val = potential_lrc(rho,r_cut) + (kin+total%pot-total_spr)/REAL(n) )
+ e_f = variable_type ( nam = 'E/N full', val = potential_lrc(rho,r_cut) + (kin_q+total%pot)/REAL(n) )
+ ! Kinetic energy per atom, just for interest's sake
+ k_q = variable_type ( nam = 'KE/N', val = kin_q/REAL(n) )
+ ! Pressure for full potential with LRC
+ ! LRC plus ideal gas contribution plus total virial divided by V
+ kin_q = kin_q / 1.5 ! Convert KE estimator to kinetic energy part of pressure
+ p_f = variable_type ( nam = 'P full', val = pressure_lrc(rho,r_cut) + (kin_q+total%vir)/vol )
+ ! Quantum spring energy per atom, just for interest's sake
+ e_q = variable_type ( nam = 'Espring/N', val = total_spr/REAL(n) )
+ ! Quantum polymer radius of gyration, just for interest's sake
+ r_g = variable_type ( nam = 'Radius of gyration', val = rad_g )
! Collect together for averaging
- variables = [ m_r, e_c, e_f ]
+ variables = [ r_r, c_r, e_f, p_f, e_q, k_q, r_g ]
END FUNCTION calc_variables
+ FUNCTION rad_gyr ( r ) RESULT ( r_g )
+ REAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(in) :: r ! Coordinate array
+ REAL :: r_g ! RMS radius of gyration
+ ! Calculate average radius of gyration of polymers
+ ! The formula we use involves a single sweep over atoms, and is origin-independent
+ ! To implement periodic boundaries, we take the origin on atom 1
+ INTEGER :: i, k
+ REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: r_ik, r_cm
+ REAL :: r_sq
+ r_g = 0.0 ! Zero function accumulator
+ DO i = 1, n ! Loop over polymers
+ r_cm = 0.0
+ r_sq = 0.0
+ DO k = 2, p ! Loop over atoms in polymer, omitting first one
+ r_ik = r(:,i,k) - r(:,i,1) ! Position relative to atom 1
+ r_ik = r_ik - ANINT(r_ik) ! Position with PBC applied (box = 1 units)
+ r_cm = r_cm + r_ik ! Increment centre-of-mass accumulator
+ r_sq = r_sq + SUM(r_ik**2) ! Increment squared distance accumulator
+ END DO ! End loop over atoms in polymer, omitting first one
+ r_cm = r_cm / REAL(p) ! Normalize centre-of-mass vector
+ r_sq = r_sq / REAL(p) ! Normalize mean-squared distances
+ r_sq = r_sq - SUM(r_cm**2) ! Definition of squared radius of gyration
+ IF ( r_sq < 0.0 ) THEN
+ WRITE(*,*) 'Warning! ', r_sq
+ r_sq = 0.0
+ r_g = r_g + SQRT(r_sq) ! Accumulate root-mean-square radius of gyration
+ END DO ! End loop over polymers
+ r_g = box * r_g / REAL(n) ! Average RMS Rg in sigma=1 units
+ END FUNCTION rad_gyr
END PROGRAM qmc_pi_lj
diff --git a/qmc_pi_lj_module.f90 b/qmc_pi_lj_module.f90
index a4e8ab9..9d33114 100644
--- a/qmc_pi_lj_module.f90
+++ b/qmc_pi_lj_module.f90
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ MODULE qmc_module
! Public derived type
TYPE, PUBLIC :: potential_type ! A composite variable for interaction energies comprising
REAL :: pot ! the cut (but not shifted) potential energy and
+ REAL :: vir ! the virial and
LOGICAL :: ovr ! a flag indicating overlap (i.e. pot too high to use)
PROCEDURE :: add_potential_type
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ FUNCTION add_potential_type ( a, b ) RESULT (c)
TYPE(potential_type) :: c ! Result is the sum of
CLASS(potential_type), INTENT(in) :: a, b ! the two inputs
c%pot = a%pot + b%pot
+ c%vir = a%vir + b%vir
c%ovr = a%ovr .OR. b%ovr
END FUNCTION add_potential_type
@@ -68,6 +70,7 @@ FUNCTION subtract_potential_type ( a, b ) RESULT (c)
TYPE(potential_type) :: c ! Result is the difference of
CLASS(potential_type), INTENT(in) :: a, b ! the two inputs
c%pot = a%pot - b%pot
+ c%vir = a%vir - b%vir
c%ovr = a%ovr .OR. b%ovr ! This is meaningless, but inconsequential
END FUNCTION subtract_potential_type
@@ -114,11 +117,12 @@ END SUBROUTINE deallocate_arrays
FUNCTION potential ( box, r_cut ) RESULT ( total )
- TYPE(potential_type) :: total ! Returns a composite of pot and ovr
+ TYPE(potential_type) :: total ! Returns a composite of pot, vir and ovr
REAL, INTENT(in) :: box ! Simulation box length
REAL, INTENT(in) :: r_cut ! Potential cutoff distance
! total%pot is the nonbonded cut (not shifted) classical potential energy for whole system
+ ! total%vir is the corresponding virial for whole system
! total%ovr is a flag indicating overlap (potential too high) to avoid overflow
! If this flag is .true., the values of total%pot etc should not be used
! Actual calculation is performed by function potential_1
@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ FUNCTION potential ( box, r_cut ) RESULT ( total )
STOP 'Error in potential'
- total = potential_type ( pot=0.0, ovr=.FALSE. ) ! Initialize
+ total = potential_type ( pot=0.0, vir=0.0, ovr=.FALSE. ) ! Initialize
DO k = 1, p ! Loop over ring polymers
DO i = 1, n - 1 ! Loop over atoms within polymer
@@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ END FUNCTION potential
FUNCTION potential_1 ( rik, i, k, box, r_cut, j_range ) RESULT ( partial )
- TYPE(potential_type) :: partial ! Returns a composite of pot and ovr for given atom
+ TYPE(potential_type) :: partial ! Returns a composite of pot, vir and ovr for given atom
REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in) :: rik ! Coordinates of atom of interest
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i, k ! Index and polymer id of atom of interest
REAL, INTENT(in) :: box ! Simulation box length
@@ -166,6 +170,7 @@ FUNCTION potential_1 ( rik, i, k, box, r_cut, j_range ) RESULT ( partial )
INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: j_range ! Optional partner index range
! partial%pot is the nonbonded cut (not shifted) classical potential energy of atom rik with a set of other atoms
+ ! partial%vir is the corresponding virial of atom rik
! partial%ovr is a flag indicating overlap (potential too high) to avoid overflow
! If this is .true., the value of partial%pot should not be used
! The coordinates in rik are not necessarily identical with those in r(:,i,k)
@@ -177,7 +182,7 @@ FUNCTION potential_1 ( rik, i, k, box, r_cut, j_range ) RESULT ( partial )
INTEGER :: j, j1, j2
REAL :: r_cut_box, r_cut_box_sq, box_sq
- REAL :: sr2, sr6, r_ik_jk_sq
+ REAL :: sr2, sr6, sr12, r_ik_jk_sq
REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: r_ik_jk
REAL, PARAMETER :: sr2_ovr = 1.77 ! overlap threshold (pot > 100)
TYPE(potential_type) :: pair
@@ -212,7 +217,7 @@ FUNCTION potential_1 ( rik, i, k, box, r_cut, j_range ) RESULT ( partial )
r_cut_box_sq = r_cut_box**2
box_sq = box**2
- partial = potential_type ( pot=0.0, ovr=.FALSE. ) ! Initialize
+ partial = potential_type ( pot=0.0, vir=0.0, ovr=.FALSE. ) ! Initialize
DO j = j1, j2 ! Loop over selected range of partners
@@ -234,7 +239,9 @@ FUNCTION potential_1 ( rik, i, k, box, r_cut, j_range ) RESULT ( partial )
sr6 = sr2**3
- pair%pot = sr6**2 - sr6 ! LJ potential (cut but not shifted)
+ sr12 = sr6**2
+ pair%pot = sr12 - sr6 ! LJ potential (cut but not shifted)
+ pair%vir = pair%pot + sr12 ! LJ pair virial
partial = partial + pair
@@ -244,6 +251,7 @@ FUNCTION potential_1 ( rik, i, k, box, r_cut, j_range ) RESULT ( partial )
! Include numerical factors
partial%pot = partial%pot * 4.0 / REAL ( p ) ! Classical potentials are weaker by a factor p
+ partial%vir = partial%vir * 24.0 / REAL(3*p) ! 24*epsilon and divide virial by 3 & by p
partial%ovr = .FALSE. ! No overlaps detected (redundant, but for clarity)
END FUNCTION potential_1
@@ -257,7 +265,7 @@ FUNCTION spring ( box, k_spring ) RESULT ( total )
! total is the quantum spring potential for whole system
! Actual calculation is performed by subroutine spring_1
- INTEGER :: i, k
+ INTEGER :: i, k, kp
REAL :: partial_pot
IF ( n /= SIZE(r,dim=2) ) THEN ! should never happen
@@ -271,87 +279,45 @@ FUNCTION spring ( box, k_spring ) RESULT ( total )
total = 0.0
- DO k = 1, p ! Loop over ring polymers
- DO i = 1, n ! Loop over atoms within polymer
+ DO k = 1, p ! Loop over atoms within polymer
+ kp = k+1
+ IF ( kp > p ) kp = 1
+ DO i = 1, n ! Loop over ring polymers
- partial_pot = spring_1 ( r(:,i,k), i, k, box, k_spring, gt )
+ partial_pot = spring_1 ( r(:,i,k), r(:,i,kp), box, k_spring )
total = total + partial_pot
- END DO ! End loop over atoms within polymer
- END DO ! End loop over ring polymers
+ END DO ! End loop over ring polymers
+ END DO ! End loop over atoms within polymer
- FUNCTION spring_1 ( rik, i, k, box, k_spring, l_range ) RESULT ( partial_pot )
+ FUNCTION spring_1 ( rik, ril, box, k_spring ) RESULT ( partial_pot )
REAL :: partial_pot ! Returns quantum potential for given atom
REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in) :: rik ! Coordinates of atom of interest
- INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: i, k ! Index and polymer id of atom of interest
+ REAL, DIMENSION(3), INTENT(in) :: ril ! Coordinates of other atom of interest
REAL, INTENT(in) :: box ! Simulation box length
REAL, INTENT(in) :: k_spring ! Spring potential constant
- INTEGER, OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: l_range ! Optional partner index range
- ! partial_pot is the quantum spring energy of atom (i,k) in rik for polymer k
- ! with its neighbours (i,k-1) and (i,k+1), in the ring 1..p
+ ! partial_pot is the quantum spring energy of atom (i,k) in rik for polymer bead k
+ ! with its neighbour (i,l) in the same polymer ring
! The coordinates in rik are not necessarily identical with those in r(:,i,k)
! The partner atom index is always the same as i
- ! The optional argument l_range restricts partner polymer ids to l=k-1, or l=k+1
! It is assumed that r has been divided by box
! Results are in LJ units where sigma = 1, epsilon = 1
- INTEGER :: l, l1, l2
- REAL :: box_sq
REAL :: r_ik_il_sq
REAL, DIMENSION(3) :: r_ik_il
- IF ( n /= SIZE(r,dim=2) ) THEN ! should never happen
- WRITE ( unit=error_unit, fmt='(a,2i15)' ) 'Array bounds error for r, n=', n, SIZE(r,dim=2)
- STOP 'Error in spring_1'
- IF ( p /= SIZE(r,dim=3) ) THEN ! should never happen
- WRITE ( unit=error_unit, fmt='(a,2i15)' ) 'Array bounds error for r, p=', p, SIZE(r,dim=3)
- STOP 'Error in spring_1'
- IF ( PRESENT ( l_range ) ) THEN
- SELECT CASE ( l_range )
- CASE ( lt ) ! Look at l = k-1 only
- l1 = k-1
- l2 = k-1
- CASE ( gt ) ! Look at l = k+1 only
- l1 = k+1
- l2 = k+1
- CASE default ! should never happen
- WRITE ( unit = error_unit, fmt='(a,i10)') 'l_range error ', l_range
- STOP 'Impossible error in spring_1'
- ELSE ! Look at both l = k-1 and k+1
- l1 = k-1
- l2 = k+1
- box_sq = box**2
- partial_pot = 0.0 ! Initialize
- DO l = l1, l2, 2 ! Loop over neighbours skipping l=k
- IF ( l < 1 ) THEN
- r_ik_il(:) = rik(:) - r(:,i,p) ! link to end of ring polymer
- ELSE IF ( l > p ) THEN
- r_ik_il(:) = rik(:) - r(:,i,1) ! link to start of ring polymer
- r_ik_il(:) = rik(:) - r(:,i,l)
- r_ik_il(:) = r_ik_il(:) - ANINT ( r_ik_il(:) ) ! Periodic boundaries in box=1 units
- r_ik_il_sq = SUM ( r_ik_il**2 ) * box_sq ! Squared distance in sigma=1 units
- partial_pot = partial_pot + r_ik_il_sq ! Spring potential
- END DO ! End loop over possibilities skipping l=k
- ! Include numerical factors
- partial_pot = partial_pot * 0.5 * k_spring
+ r_ik_il(:) = rik(:) - ril(:)
+ r_ik_il(:) = r_ik_il(:) - ANINT ( r_ik_il(:) ) ! Periodic boundaries in box=1 units
+ r_ik_il_sq = SUM ( r_ik_il**2 ) * box**2 ! Squared distance in sigma=1 units
+ partial_pot = 0.5 * k_spring * r_ik_il_sq ! Spring potential