Table of contents Introduction Danger Zone Tutorials Workspace Setup Installing Ubuntu Basic Linux Setup Spruce up your space ROS Setup PX4 Setup PX4 Toolchain Setup Ardupilot Setup Installing Ground Control Station QGroundControl Mission Planner How to Write a ROS Package ROS Package Node Handles, Parameters, and Topics Coding Standards Custom mavros message Transformations Conversions Cheatsheets CMakeCheatsheet GitCheatsheet LatexCheatsheet Markdown Cheatsheet Miscellaneous Odroid XU4 Setup Simulation using Offboard Control Enable Offboard Mode in PX4 Writing a UDev rule Sensor fusion Reference wiki links Concepts Quaternions Theory Kalman Filters Rotations Path Planning Grassfire Algorithm Dijkstra Algorithm A* Algorithm Probabilistic Roadmap RRT Algorithm Visibility Graph Analysis Lectures Aerial Robotics Avionics Control Systems: Introduction Control Systems: Models Inter IIT Tech Meet 2018 Kalman Filters Linux and Git Git Tutorial ROS Rotorcraft Software Training Control System Model Predictive Control System Identification Sample SysId Launch Files Running MPC MPC with Rotors MPC with PX4 Sim MPC with ROS References PID Controller Introduction Basic Theory Estimation Visual-Inertial Odometry Hardware Requirements Visual-Inertial Sensing DIYing a VI-Sensor Setup with VICON Odometry from pose data Computer Vision Intel RealSense D435i setup for ROS Noetic IntelRealSense D435i Calibration Camera Calibration ArUco ROS Machine Learning Datasets Hardware Integration Configuring Radio Telemetry Setting up RTK + GPS Integration of Sensors with PixHawk Connecting Lidar-lite through I2C Connections Setting up Offboard Mission Setting up Companion Computer Raspberry Pi 4B Setup Jetson TX2 Setup Communication Setup Guided mode Miscellaneous Resources Open-source algorithms and resources Courses State Space Modelling of a Multirotor Path Planning Lecture Introduction to AI in Robotics RRT, RRT* and RRT*- Path Planning Algorithms Useful Reading Links Aerial Robotics Books Computer Vision and Image Processing Courses on AI and Robotics Deep Neural Network Dynamics and Controls system Motion Planning Probabilistic Robotics Programming Robotics Hardware Miscellaneous and Awesome Online Purchase websites Competitions Inter-IIT TechMeet 8.0 Inter-IIT TechMeet 9.0 IMAV 2019, Madrid, Spain Inter-IIT TechMeet 10.0 Inter-IIT TechMeet 11.0