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TensorFlow & Keras implementation of DQN with HER (Hindsight Experience Replay)


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TensorFlow & Keras implementation of DQN with HER (Hindsight Experience Replay)


If TensorFlow finds a GPU you will see Creating TensorFlow device (/device:GPU:0) in the beginning of log and the code will use 1 GPU + 1 CPU. If it doesn't find a GPU, it will use 1 CPU.

Tesla K40 + Intel i5 Haswell give about 80 steps/s during training. 1M training + 200k evaluation steps (20k evaluation steps every 100k training steps) takes about 3.5 hours with K40.

I'd recommend about 10 GB of RAM to safely train. REPLAY_BUFFER_SIZE = 100000 and stacking 4 frames in the observation already uses 84 * 84 * 4 * 100000 = 2.6 GB RAM.


  1. Clone this repo: git clone
  2. Install conda for dependency management.
  3. Create dqn conda environment: conda create -yn dqn python=3 tensorflow tensorflow-gpu opencv psutil.
  4. Activate dqn conda environment: source activate dqn. All the following commands should be run in the activated dqn environment.
  5. Install OpenAI gym: pip install gym[atari].

There is an automatic build on Travis which does the same.


  1. Deactivate conda environment: conda deactivate.
  2. Remove dqn conda environment: conda env remove -yn dqn.


Basic file is

usage: [-h] [--debug] [--env ENV] [--eval] [--images] [--model MODEL]
              [--name NAME] [--play] [--seed SEED] [--test] [--view]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --debug        load debug files and run fit_batch with them (default: False)
  --env ENV      Atari game name (default: Breakout)
  --eval         run evaluation with log only (default: False)
  --images       save images during evaluation (default: False)
  --model MODEL  model filename to load (default: None)
  --name NAME    name for saved files (default: 10-23-22-04)
  --play         play with WSAD + Space (default: False)
  --seed SEED    pseudo random number generator seed (default: None)
  --test         run tests (default: False)
  --view         view evaluation in a window (default: False)
  --weights      print model weights (default: False)


python --env Pong

There are 60 games you can choose from:

AirRaid, Alien, Amidar, Assault, Asterix, Asteroids, Atlantis, BankHeist, BattleZone, BeamRider, Berzerk, Bowling, Boxing, Breakout, Carnival, Centipede, ChopperCommand, CrazyClimber, DemonAttack, DoubleDunk, ElevatorAction, Enduro, FishingDerby, Freeway, Frostbite, Gopher, Gravitar, Hero, IceHockey, Jamesbond, JourneyEscape, Kangaroo, Krull, KungFuMaster, MontezumaRevenge, MsPacman, NameThisGame, Phoenix, Pitfall, Pong, Pooyan, PrivateEye, Qbert, Riverraid, RoadRunner, Robotank, Seaquest, Skiing, Solaris, SpaceInvaders, StarGunner, Tennis, TimePilot, Tutankham, UpNDown, Venture, VideoPinball, WizardOfWor, YarsRevenge, Zaxxon

Play using the same observations as DQN

python --play


  • W - up
  • S - down
  • A - left
  • D - right
  • SPACE - fire button (concrete action depends on a game)

Generate GIFs

  1. Generate images: python --images --model=PONG_MODEL.h5 --env Pong.
  2. We will use convert tool, which is part of ImageMagick, here are the installation instructions.
  3. Convert images from episode 1 to GIF: convert -layers optimize-frame 1_*.png 1.gif

Best scores observed using the same hyperparameters as in the code

Pong: 21 after 0.5M steps

Breakout: 419 after 2M steps

SpaceInvaders: 1370 after 6.5M steps

BeamRider: 7111 after 5.5M steps

Seaquest: 8040 after 6.5M steps



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