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Extension - Real

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Extension - Real AI


In this assignment, I proposed a convolutional neural network that has the ability to play Tic-Tac-Toe. It takes a 4-D tensor as input and outputs a distribution of probabilities. Harmful data nullification and transfer learning are used in training. Overall, the model exhibits moderate performance.


Neural Network Structure


The structure is very similar to my previous work A Deep Learning Model for Accurate and Robust Internet Traffic Classification. It takes in a 4-D tensor with the size of (BATCH_SIZE, 3, 3, 3). The other 2 channels are the previous piece map and the second previous piece map. The network outputs a distribution of probabilities indicating the scores of the 9 plaids plus a probability of afk, 10 elements in total.


tictactoe.real_ai.boards.Boards allows boards to be packed in batches. The model plays BATCH_SIZE games in parallel. Each game starts with the opponent going first, which is a tictactoe.framework.RandomPlayer. Every time the model gives an output, the loss is calculated using the Cross-Entropy method, comparing the output and tictactoe.Bot's suggestion. The role of the rigid bot is very similar to a teacher in the distilling process. Then, instead of the model's output, the teacher's suggestion will be adopted to make the move.

Because the duration of every game is not constant, a hyperparameter ROUND_LIMIT is set to limit the number of rounds of each epoch. The boards are reset once they reach the ROUND_LIMIT. If a game ends before it reaches the limit, the teacher will give a suggestion for afk.

Calculated with simple math, it is not hard to realize that there are 9! which is 362880 different combinations for a board with the size of 3x3. Any NUM_BATCHES times BATCH_SIZE over 362880 should be sufficient.

In this particular experiment, the model only plays as the second player. When it plays as the first, the piece indexes on the board are inverted, meaning that 0 becomes 1 and 1 becomes 0. This makes a little sense to some extent, yet it is pretty much clear that it makes the model weaker when it plays as the first player.

One thing worth noticing while training is that the model is very sensitive to the choice of ROUND_LIMIT. A high ROUND_LIMIT can lead to excessive cases where the teacher teaches the model to afk and causes over-fitting, prematurely making the model surrender (referred to as afk above). In this case, another hyperparameter ZERO_LIMIT is introduced. Any harmful game after the limit is reached will be invalidated.

In the experiment, it seems that the higher the ROUND_LIMIT is the lower the BATCH_SIZE should be and ROUND_LIMIT should be less than 9. $$ BS \le 8 \cdot 2^{9-RL} $$

Specs of Trained Models

23m01 4000 32 7 0.1%
23m02 4000 32 7 0
23m03 4000 32 8 0
23m04 4000 32 6 0
23m05 4000 32 5 0
23m06 4000 32 4 0
23m07 4000 32 3 0
23m08 8000 32 6 0
23m09 8000 32 7 0
23m10 8000 32 8 0
23m11 8000 32 4 0
23m12 8000 32 5 0
23m13 40000 32 6 0
23m14 40000 32 4 0
23m15 40000 32 7 0
23m16 40000 16 6 0
23m17 40000 16 4 0
23m18 8000 16 6 0



A variety of versions are trained with different hyperparameters. When testing the performance, they commonly show weakness in making appropriate decisions. Some of them even output invalid indexes or surrender prematurely.

Each model is tested for 10k games against a tictactoe.framework.RandomPlayer. As there are random factors, the result might be slightly different every time.

WP shows two probabilities which are the chance that the model wins and the chance the opponent wins respectively.

CD shows the distribution of different conditions as {someone won} / {tied} / {someone surrendered}.

Playing as The First Player

Model WP CD
23m01 48.78% 26.68% 7126 / 2454 / 420
23m02 34.82% 29.44% 6314 / 3574 / 112
23m03 58.61% 22.79% 7987 / 1860 / 153
23m04 45.99% 19.37% 6531 / 3464 / 5
23m05 35.16% 31.94% 6214 / 3290 / 496
23m06 38.38% 28.20% 6658 / 3342 / 0
23m07 39.88% 24.38% 6426 / 3574 / 0
23m08 36.57% 28.39% 6487 / 3504 / 9
23m09 58.07% 13.95% 7139 / 2798 / 63
23m10 44.30% 22.97% 6569 / 3273 / 158
23m11 39.02% 28.03% 6705 / 3295 / 0
23m12 37.47% 24.65% 6208 / 3788 / 4
23m13 48.22% 17.23% 6538 / 3455 / 7
23m14 60.13% 17.08% 7721 / 2279 / 0
23m15 54.64% 20.42% 7506 / 2494 / 0
23m16 47.79% 25.26% 7305 / 2695 / 0
23m17 49.52% 25.56% 7508 / 2492 / 0
23m18 41.41% 26.05% 6738 / 3254 / 8

Playing as The Second Player

Model WP CD
23m01 49.49% 26.96% 7628 / 2355 / 17
23m02 54.59% 24.00% 7859 / 2400 / 0
23m03 42.11% 28.72% 7012 / 2917 / 71
23m04 58.14% 23.25% 8139 / 1861 / 0
23m05 54.08% 25.98% 7935 / 1994 / 71
23m06 58.84% 20.58% 7942 / 2058 / 0
23m07 59.60% 21.22% 8082 / 1918 / 0
23m08 63.86% 19.90% 8366 / 1624 / 10
23m09 51.96% 24.58% 7554 / 2446 / 0
23m10 48.34% 26.00% 7430 / 2566 / 4
23m11 61.91% 21.35% 8326 / 1674 / 0
23m12 50.92% 25.07% 7599 / 2401 / 0
23m13 41.94% 29.34% 7118 / 2872 / 10
23m14 53.59% 25.58% 7917 / 2083 / 0
23m15 41.84% 30.46% 7230 / 2770 / 0
23m16 50.85% 25.10% 7595 / 2405 / 0
23m17 49.97% 27.77% 7774 / 2226 / 0
23m18 59.42% 23.63% 8283 / 1695 / 22


The model sees the board differently in the following way:

 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    0    |    1    |    2    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    3    |    4    |    5    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    6    |    7    |    8    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------

Playing as The First

Case A

Model: 23m14

AI output: 8.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 4.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |    X    |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 5.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |         |    O    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |    X    |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 1.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |    X    |    O    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |    X    |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |    O    |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------

Even though this is the best model for being the first player, the intention to defend is still so strong that it hardly has the ability to attack.

Case B

Model: 23m09

AI output: 4.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |    X    |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 2.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |         |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |    X    |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 6.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |    O    |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |    X    |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    X    |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------

AI A won!

Quite strange that the lower-ranking model actually plays better than the one above.

Playing as The Second

Case A

Model: 23m08

AI output: 0.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    X    |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 2.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |    X    |    O    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    X    |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 4.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |    X    |    O    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    X    |    O    |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
AI output: 8.
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    O    |    X    |    O    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    X    |    O    |    X    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------
|         |         |         |
|    X    |         |    O    |
|         |         |         |
 --------- --------- ---------

AI B won!

Ablation Experiment

Piece Invert

Since this method is only enabled when the model plays as the first player, comparing the evaluation results when it is enabled and disabled is an intuitive way to determine the effectiveness of this method.

Model WP (Piece Invert Enabled) WP (Piece Invert Disabled)
23m02 34.82% 29.44% 34.79% 30.06%
23m14 60.13% 17.08% 58.49% 18.44%

From the table, it is clear that this method does improve the model's ability, albeit by a small margin.

Conclusion and Limitations

In conclusion, the model is able to play the game, yet not as robust as tictactoe.Bot is. However, it can be an advantage that the model actually shows more human characteristics.

Instead of training with reinforcement learning, it is somehow distilled from tictactoe.Bot. Due to the sketchy design, it does not show a state-of-art performance.


Reinforcement learning is very worth trying, yet it requires more effort to establish the loss function, so it is not included in this experiment as I have limited time to do the assignment.