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Releases: ARC-Lab-UF/testbench-runner

v1.1: Project is open

11 Mar 03:20
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 1.0...v1.1

The primary test runner is non-sensitive, and was FOSS before, so it's FOSS now. This potentially gives the ability for it to be used for other purposes, or by other courses/schools/etc. All sensitive data is now stored in private repositories.

One note: When cloning, run git clone --recurse-submodules to download the lab testbenches too (requires privileged access).

All issues regarding tbs will be moved to the new repository for them.

1.0! Polished some things up

27 Feb 00:50
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.3...1.0

Other noteworthy features

  • use g to run a gui simulation in the interactive mode.

0.3: UI refresh & more

20 Feb 21:54
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Some nice new features:

  • Simulator can now rerun current student as many times as you want, even if the simulation crashes the first time. Press r to rerun
  • Refreshed interactive menu for clarity
  • Each student now gets their own modelsim project in their unzipped directory.
  • Various bug fixes

WARNING: If you use --gui, you may experience significant performance slowdowns due to the fact that each run closes and reopens modelsim. If this is causing you issues, please let me know.

0.2.1: Hotfix: 7-segment decoder testbench

03 Feb 03:26
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Since we have recently asked students to start flipping their 7-segment decoder outputs, it also needs to be updated in our testbench here.

The only change is a revamped 7seg testbench.

DD_Grader 0.2

11 Jan 07:01
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New, simplified CLI! See for details.

DD_Grader 0.1

24 Jan 01:31
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Should be fully-functional at this point, with the new CLI interface. No other modifications have been made, at all.