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Kazoo Webphone library v2.0

The goal of this library is to turn the browser in a softphone, using the correct protocol depending on the browser used by the client. On supported browsers, the goal is to allow calls using WebRTC, and to fall back on the RTMP protocol if WebRTC is not supported by the browser.

The default export of libwebphone.js is a class that provides all access to the libraries functionality for an instance of a specific configuration.

The library provides multiple ways to interact with it. The quick start example configuration will render the default templates with the default behaviors. However, a developer can:

  • Change the behavour via configuration alone (very extensive options)
  • Render multiple and different but syncronized templates for any component
  • Fully customize any/all component template(s)
  • Use static HTML elements with event handlers to trigger appropriate libwebphone methods.
    • For example, the following onClick action for an HTML element representing the number 1 button on a dialpad webphone.getDialpad().dial('1');.
  • Complete programatic actions.
    • For example, an onClick action for a "Contact 2600Hz" button webphone.getUserAgent().call('+14158867900');
  • Purely event driven user experiences
  • Change the internationalization via configuration
  • Replace the internationalization engine
  • Minimize the build or remove functionality by disabling unused classes
  • Multiple instances of libwebphone on the same page, with different configurations
  • A mix of any of these patterns!!!

Quick Start

  1. Clone the repo
      $ git clone
      $ cd libwebphone
  1. Optionally, switch to a different branch.
      $ git checkout <branch|tag>

New work is done on features branches which are named or reference a ticket (such as git checkout videoCanvas or git checkout LWP-42). Versions are developed on branches with the pattern major.minor (such as git checkout 2.0) and stable releases are available as tags with the pattern major.minor.patch (such as git checkout 2.0.0). The master branch represents the latest-greatest development work, but might be unstable.

  1. Install the dependencies
      $ npm install
  1. Replace the following placeholder on the index.html configuration with appropriate values:

NOTE: The {SIP_USERNAME}, {SIP_PASSWORD} and {SIP_DOMAIN} can be changed via the lwpUserAgent default form and are not required to be changed in the configuration (they would need to be changed on the form prior to starting the user agent). However, failure to update {SIP_SERVER} will cause the library to crash on start up.

  1. Start a continuous process that will build the library, rebuild if any source files are changed as well as a webserver to serve the artifacts. Once started it will print a URL to the screen that can be visted, only by the computer it was started on, in the browser to create an example / developer instance of the library.
      $ npm run dev

NOTE: By default the webserver will be running at http://localhost:8080/.


  1. Build the library
      $ npm run build
  1. Include the libwebphone build artifact on your website
         <script src="dist/libwebphone.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  1. Create an instance, providing a configuration object with all the minimal parameters for the features you require. A "simple kitchen sink" example might look like:
         <script type="text/javascript">
            var config = {
            dialpad: {
               renderTargets: ["dialpad"],
            callList: {
               renderTargets: ["call_list"],
            callControl: {
               renderTargets: ["call_control"],
            mediaDevices: {
               renderTargets: ["media_devices"],
            audioContext: {
               renderTargets: ["audio_context"],
            userAgent: {
               transport: {
                  sockets: ["wss://sip.websocket.server"],
               authentication: {
                  username: "sip-username",
                  password: "sip-password",
                  realm: "sip-realm",
            }; //End ofConfig

            var webphone = new libwebphone(config);

When using jwt authentication we just need to have jwt token in authentication section. If jwt token is used, username and password will be ignored.

   authentication: {
      jwt: "jwt_token"

This assumes the HTML body will contain empty elements with the IDs "dialpad", "call_list", "call_control", "media_devices", "audio_context" and "user_agent" where the corresponding default elements should be generated by libwebphone.

NPM Scripts

npm run dev

Build and automatically rebuild if any of the source files are changed. In addition, it starts a webpack-dev-server to serve the build artifacts for ease of development.

npm run watch

Build and automatically rebuild if any of the source files are changed.

npm run stats

Creates a 'stats.json' file on the root of the project detailing statistics regarding the webpack artifact for use by tools such as webpack-visualizer.

npm run build

Build and minimize the library for a production deployment.

npm run lint

Analyze the source code for programming and style issues.


The phone funtionality is implemented by classes that encapsulated the logic for a particular component, those are:

  • lwpUserAgent : Provides all features for managing connecting and maintaining the SIP connection over websockets.
  • lwpMediaDevices : Provides all features for discovering and selecting the media device (microphone, camera and audio output destination)
  • lwpAudioContext : Provides audio generation (ringing, DTMF playback, ect) as well as audio routing / mixing options
  • lwpCallList : Provides a list of all active calls and allowes the user to switch between them
  • lwpDialpad : Provides all features for collecting the target (dialed number) for new calls, transfers and in call DTMF
  • lwpCallControl : Provides all call control features such as hold, mute, transfer, redial, ect

Each of these clases can be disabled via configuration (or modified build) if the provided functionality is not required or desired.

Internally, all calls are represented as an instance of the lwpCall class.

Rendering is preformed by lwpRenderer. Generally, this can be ignored and simply provide the components with a renderTarget that is an array of HTML element ids on the document. The library will use a default template and configuration to create the necessary elements in each of the provided elements, but much more advanced options are available for extensive customizations.

NOTE! Each of these classes is not expected to be created outside of the main libwebphone instance and are accessable using methods of the main instance or by consuming events.




Type Description
null or lwpCallControl Provides access to the lwpCallControl instance if enabled.



Type Description
null or lwpCallList Provides access to the lwpCallList instance if enabled.



Type Description
null or lwpDialpad Provides access to the lwpDialpad instance if enabled.



Type Description
null or lwpUserAgent Provides access to the lwpUserAgent instance if enabled.



Type Description
null or lwpMediaDevices Provides access to the lwpMediaDevices instance if enabled.



Type Description
null or lwpAudioContext Provides access to the lwpAudioContext instance if enabled.


Provides direct access to the current i18n library or i18n instance.


Type Description
i18next The i18next library

i18nAddResourceBundles(className, resources)

Addes language resources namespaced to the provided module name.

Name Type Description
className string The name of the class, used to namespace the resources
resources object A dictionary with keys representing the language name and values that are themselfs dictionaries of keys to the translated string

Example resources object:

      "hangup":"Hang Up",

i18nAddResourceBundle(className, language, resource)

Addes language resources namespaced to the provided module name.

Name Type Description
className string The name of the class, used to namespace the resources
language string The name of the lanuage
resource object A dictionary of keys to the translated string

Example resource object (in this case language would be "en"):

   "hangup":"Hang Up",


Provides a function, when ready, that given a i18n key returns the translated string from the loaded language bundles.


Type Description
function(key) From the i18next documentation "You can specify either one key as a String or multiple keys as an Array of String. The first one that resolves will be returned."


Internationalization of the built in templates, or optionally utilized by custom templates, are loaded with language 'bundles' by each class instance during startup. These bundles are loaded with a namespace for that class. The default library used is i18next but it is hoped that then implementation is generic enough to allow replacment with a prefered library or an existing on an a website.

For details of what translations are currently available see the individual class documentation "i18n" section.


Name Type Default Description
userAgent object {} See lwpUserAgent configuration
mediaDevices object {} See lwpMediaDevices configuration
audioContext object {} See lwpAudioContext configuration
callList object {} See lwpCallList configuration
dialpad object {} See lwpDialpad configuration
callControl object {} See lwpCallControl configuration
call object {} See lwpCall configuration


All events produced by libwebphone are emitted with a minimum of two parameters. The first is always the instance of libwebphone and the second is the instance of the class producing the event. For example, the first two parameters of the event "mediaDevices.created" are the libwebphone instance and the lwpMediaDevices instance. Further, all events are in dot notation beginning with the emitting class "name". In the above example, "mediaDevices.created" was emitted by lwpMediaDevices.

Some events provide more parameters and are detailed on the corresponding documents as "Additional Parameters". This column is a comma sepearted list of arguments that are present after the libwebphone and producing class instance parameters.

At any given time only one instance of a call (lwpCall) will be the primary (current user selected call). When the primary lwpCall instance emits events they will be published with the normal prefix "call." as well as with "call.primary.".

Further, all events are emitted using EventEmitter2 which according to their documentation:

In addition to having a better benchmark performance than EventEmitter and being browser-compatible, it also extends the interface of EventEmitter with many additional non-breaking features.

Some of these additional features include events when listeners are added / removed, wildcard bindings and functions such as waitFor(event, timeout) or onAny(listener). See the documentation for EventEmitter2 for details.


Event Additional Parameters Description
created Emitted when all required classes have been instantiated
language.bundle.added language (string), bundle () Emitted when a new language bundle is added
language.changed translator (function) Emitted when the translator function is ready or changed


  • Standardize and cleanup i18n keys
  • Add 'remeber me' feature to lwpUserAgent form
  • Add entry of websocket to lwpUserAgent form
  • Standardize default templates and add default CSS classes
  • lwpVideoCanvas : Nearly complete class to render and control video aspects of calls
  • Support multiple instances of lwpUserAgent to provide "multi-line" functionality.
  • lwpPreviews : All the functionality around "early" previews of device selections and testing
  • lwpKazoo : Base class for all classes interacting with Kazoo as well as maintaining Kazoo websocket connections
  • lwpKazooDevices : Select a device to use in lwpUserAgent from a filtered list of available devices as well as optional create when missing
  • lwpKazooParked: Maintains a list of all parked calls, allow rapid retrieval / parking as well as annotate parked calls
  • lwpKazooConferences : Maintains a list of confernences, current conference status, rapid conference access
  • lwpKazooConferenceControls : In conference controls (similar to lwpCallControls but specific to Kazoo conferences)
  • lwpKazooVoicemails : Provides MWI, rapid voicemail access and rapid voicemail message callback
  • lwpKazooUsers : Create a filtered list of Kazoo users and presence status as well as quick dial options
  • lwpKazooCDRs : Used to list and rapidly redial previous calls


If you have any question or remark about the library or its documentation, feel free to come talk to us on IRC #2600hz on FreeNode.