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File metadata and controls

406 lines (337 loc) · 13.8 KB




~ $ cd ${KODING_REPO}
koding $ export GOPATH=${PWD}/go
koding $ export PATH=${GOPATH}/bin:${PATH}


  • sl
koding $ go install koding/kites/kloud/scripts/sl
  • kloudctl
koding $ go install koding/kites/kloud/kloudctl

Environment variables

koding $ cat >> ~/.bashrc <<EOF
export SOFTLAYER_API_KEY="#{slKeys.vm_kloud.apiKey}"
export SOFTLAYER_USER_NAME="#{slKeys.vm_kloud.username}"
export KLOUDCTL_MONGODB_URL="#{mongo}";
# export KLOUDCTL_DEBUG="1";
export KITE_ENVIRONMENT=production

Getting started

Checking machine

via MongoDB

mongo> db.jMachines.find({"credential": "rjeczalik", "slug": "softlayer-vm-0"}, {"domain": 1, "ipAddress": 1, "status.state": 1, "_id": 0})
  "domain": "",
  "ipAddress": "",
  "status": {
    "state": "Running"

via kloudctl

koding $ ./kloudctl group create -dry -users rjeczalik
Preparing jMachine documents for users...
0 to be machines built
1 error(s) occurred:

* jMachine status for "rjeczalik": the machine is already running
nothing to build

Querying multiple users at once:

koding $ cat >userlist.txt <<EOF
koding $ cat userlist.txt | kloudctl group create -dry -users -
Preparing jMachine documents for users...
0 to be machines built
24 error(s) occurred:

* jMachine status for "cihangirsavas": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "devrim": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "didemacet": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "fatihacet": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "ozan": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "senthil": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "stefanbc": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "usirin": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "dicle": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "gokmen": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "mehmet": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "nitin": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "selin": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "stefan": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "caikoding": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "gokhan": this is going to be rebuild without -dry
* jMachine status for "leeolayvar": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "sonmez": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "szkl": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "cihangir": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "sent-hil": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "sinan": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "turunc": the machine is already running
* jMachine status for "umut": the machine is already running
nothing to build

via Softlayer

~ $ slcli vm list --tag koding-user:rjeczalik
:    id    :  hostname :  primary_ip  :   backend_ip   : datacenter : action :
: 16109405 : rjeczalik : : :   sjc01    :   -    :

Available tags:

  • koding-user:<jMachines.credential>
  • koding-env:<environment>
  • koding-machineid:<jMachines.ObjectId>
  • koding-domain:<jMachines.domain>

via SSH

~ $ export USER_IP=$(slcli vm list --tag koding-user:rjeczalik | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
~ $ ssh -i $KLOUD_RSA_PEM root@$USER_IP
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-74-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
Last login: Fri Feb 19 12:40:54 2016 from
This virtual hackathon is powered by...

  _____ ____  __  __    _____ _                 _
 |_   _|  _ \|  \/  |  / ____| |               | |
   | | | |_) | \  / | | |    | | ___  _   _  __| |
   | | |  _ <| |\/| | | |    | |/ _ \| | | |/ _` |
  _| |_| |_) | |  | | | |____| | (_) | |_| | (_| |
 |_____|____/|_|  |_|  \_____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_| SoftLayer

root: ~ $ 

via Klient Kite

~ $ export USER_IP=$(slcli vm list --tag koding-user:rjeczalik | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3)
~ $ curl $USER_IP:56789/kite
Welcome to SockJS!

Creating a machine

Production datacenters / VLANs

Before creating machine we need to determine in which datacenter it will run. Finding a datacenter basically means finding a VLAN which has spare capacity. Each single VLAN has capacity of ~250 VMs by default (it can be slightly increased by Softlayer Team on demand, but rather don't count on that).

We don't care about VLANs which are untagged, but are attached to our account.

In order to list production VLANs use sl tool. Each VLAN has two tags:

  • koding-env, either production, dev, sandbox etc. if kloud runs in production in won't see VLANs tagged other than production
  • koding-vlan-cap, set to 250 for each VLAN, based on this value kloud will balance machines among all vlans for the given datacenter
koding $ sl vlan list
ID            Internal ID	Total	Available	Instances	Datacenter	Tags
1172807	1443		0	0		1		par01		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171871	1366		64	61		207		sjc01		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171873	1400		64	61		208		sjc01		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171875	1407		64	61		204		sjc01		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171877	1410		64	61		204		sjc01		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171879	1417		64	61		201		sjc01		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171881	1418		64	61		200		sjc01		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171883	1420		64	61		201		sjc01		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171885	1425		64	61		134		sjc01		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171487	1872		64	61		1		tok02		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171483	1518		64	61		233		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171489	1772		64	61		232		wdc04		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171491	1773		64	61		226		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171497	1774		64	61		232		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171499	1775		64	61		225		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171501	1776		64	61		242		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171503	1777		64	61		237		wdc04		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171505	1778		64	61		225		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171507	1779		64	61		230		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171509	1780		64	61		234		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171511	1781		64	61		226		wdc04		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171513	1782		64	61		228		wdc04		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171859	1206		0	0		318		sjc03		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171861	1229		0	0		361		sjc03		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171863	1235		0	0		318		sjc03		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171865	1236		0	0		315		sjc03		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171835	1251		0	0		256		dal09		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171837	1252		0	0		256		dal09		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171839	1253		0	0		249		dal09		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171841	1254		0	0		252		dal09		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171843	1255		0	0		257		dal09		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171845	1256		0	0		250		dal09		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]
1171847	1257		0	0		353		dal09		[koding-env=production,koding-vlan-cap=250]
1171849	1258		0	0		248		dal09		[koding-vlan-cap=250,koding-env=production]

From the above list we see most of the datacenters are pretty crowded, some overprovisionned, but sjc01 looks like it have the most spare capacity.

The kloudctl directory contains template files for each datacenter we have vlans in:

  • hackathon-dal09.json for dal09
  • hackathon-sjc03.json for sjc03
  • hackathon-wdc04.json for wdc04
  • hackathon-sjc01.json for sjc01

Creating machine for user:

koding $ kloudctl group create -f hackathon-sjc01.json -users rjeczalik
Preparing jMachine documents for users...
1 machine to be built
Requesting to process "softlayer-vm-0"
watching status for "56c766e8bc09c90729ffb7b9"
2016-02-19 19:03:05.6797201 +0000 UTC: status for "56c766e8bc09c90729ffb7b9": Building
2016-02-19 19:03:20.554644929 +0000 UTC: status for "56c766e8bc09c90729ffb7b8": Building
2016-02-19 19:03:20.766824502 +0000 UTC: status for "56c766e8bc09c90729ffb7b9": Building
2016-02-19 19:03:35.850424965 +0000 UTC: status for "56c766e8bc09c90729ffb7b8": Building
2016-02-19 19:03:35.933874654 +0000 UTC: status for "56c766e8bc09c90729ffb7b9": Building
2016-02-19 19:03:51.02228675 +0000 UTC: status for "56c766e8bc09c90729ffb7b9": Building

After the machine is successfully built, it's invisible to a user. Attaching it to the user's stack will make it visible:

koding $ kloudctl group stack -users rjeczalik -machine 'softlayer-vm-0'
processing 1 users...
processed "rjeczalik" user stack

The same commands, but for scale:

koding $ cat userlist.txt | kloudctl group create -f hackathon-sjc01.json -t 20 -users -
koding $ # 20 concurrent builds is a safe and tested value
koding $ cat userlist.txt | kloudctl group stack -machine 'softlayer-vm-0' -j 64 -users -
koding $ # 64 concurrent processings is a safe and tested value

Deleting a machine

  • we would want to modify a jMachine document when:
    • building a machine failed and rebuilding it again fails on kloud
    • when is missing or is some bad value (0 is bad value here)
    • when jMachine.meta.vlanId is some bad value (0 is ok for vlanId - it means: kloud please autobalance me), which causes failures on rebuild
  • we would want to delete a Softlayer machine when it's dead broken and we want to make a room for more


Helper scripts:

  • gives a jMachine.ObjectId given the username (and optionally machine slug)
prod-find-machine() { 
    local usr=${1:-rjeczalik};
    local slug=${2:-softlayer-vm-0};
    ( mongo -u user -p password host:port/database 2> /dev/null | tail -n+3 | sed '$ d' ) <<< "db.jMachines.find({\"credential\": \"$usr\", \"slug\": \"$slug\"}, {\"_id\": 1})" | tr -d ' ' | cut -d\" -f4
~ $ prod-find-machine rjeczalik softlayer-vm-0
  • gives a jUsers.ObjectId given the jUsers.Username
prod-find-user() { 
    local usr=${1:-rjeczalik};
    ( mongo -u user -p password host:port/database 2> /dev/null | tail -n+3 | sed '$ d' ) <<< "db.jAccounts.find({\"profile.nickname\": \"$usr\"}, {\"_id\": 1})" | tr -d ' ' | cut -d\" -f4
~ $ prod-find-user rjeczalik
  • gives a jUsers.Username given the jUsers.ObjectId
prod-revfind-user() { 
    local id=${1};
    ( mongo -u user -p password host:port/database 2> /dev/null | tail -n+3 | sed '$ d' ) <<< "db.jUsers.find({\"_id\": ObjectId(\"$id\")}, {\"username\": 1, \"_id\": 0})" | jq -r .username
~ $ prod-revfind-user 530c63a19e4dc2247000e798
  • deletes a jMachine document given the jMachines.ObjectId
prod-del-machine () { 
    local id=${1:-};
    if [[ -z "${id}" ]]; then
        echo "arg is empty" 2>&1;
        return 1;
    ( mongo -u user -p password host:port/database 2> /dev/null | tail -n+3 | sed '$ d' ) <<< "db.jMachines.remove({\"_id\": ObjectId(\"${id}\")})"
~ $ prod-del-machine 56c6673abc09c91ab3e9f0bd
Cannot use commands write mode, degrading to compatibility mode
WriteResult({ "nRemoved" : 1 })


~ $ slcli vm list --tag koding-user:rjeczalik | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1
~ $ slcli vm cancel 16109405 <<< 16109405

Known issues

  • multiple softlayer-vm-0

Early kloudctl version had a race problem which might created a duplicated softlayer-vm-0 (all of the duplicates are removed now). If user has multiple machines with the same slug/label, the UI won't work. Solution is to determinate which machine is running for the user and has a valid jMachine document (matching jMachines.ipAddress etc.) and delete the other ones (both jMachine and Softlayer vm).

To detect the probem:

~ $ prod-find-machine rjeczalik softlayer-vm-0

If the 54c6233abc09c91ab3e9e421 is the running machine, delete the other one:

~ $ slcli vm list --tag koding-machineid:56c6673abc09c91ab3e9f0bd | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1
~ $ slcli vm cancel 16109639 <<< 16109639
~ $ prod-del-machine 56c6673abc09c91ab3e9f0bd