This folder contains react components.
We split components as container components(smart) and view components(dumb/presentational).
- Are concerned with how things work.
- It contains
component inside for presentation. - Provide the data and behavior to view or other container components.
- Call Flux actions and provide these as callbacks to view components.
- It may have states and change own states
- It may have ComponentDidMount, ComponentDidUpdate etc.. react lifecycle event handlers.
- Are concerned with how things look.
- May contain both view and container components inside, and usually have some DOM markup of their own.
- Have no dependencies on the rest of the app, such as Flux actions or stores.
- Don’t specify how the data is loaded or mutated.
- Receive data and callbacks exclusively via props.
- Have no states
- Have no
ComponentDidMount, ComponentDidUpdate etc..
react lifecycle event handlers. We use this handlers and other methods to call Flux actions inContainer
components - Have only
- Better separation of concerns. You understand your app and your UI better by writing components this way.
- Better reusability. You can use the same view component with completely different state sources, and turn those into separate container components that can be further reused.
- This forces us to extract
layout components
such asSidebar, Page, ContextMenu
and use@props.children
instead of duplicating the same markup and layout in several container components.
We create component folder structure as you can see below;
├── bant.json
└── lib
└── components
└── commentList
└── test
should include view
and container
## /commentlist/
module.exports = require './view'
module.exports.Container = require './container'
should contain only presentational part.
## /commentlist/
kd = require 'kd'
React = require 'kd-react'
immutable = require 'immutable'
module.exports = class CommentListView extends React.Component
@propTypes =
repliesCount : React.PropTypes.number
showMoreComment : React.PropTypes.func.isRequired
comments : React.PropTypes.instanceOf immutable.Map
@defaultProps =
repliesCount : 0
comments : immutable.Map()
renderShowMoreComments: -> ...
renderList: -> ...
render: ->
<div className='CommentList'>
should call flux actions, provide data and behavior to view part. It may contain states, event handlers like componentDidMount, componentDidUpdate etc...
and various methods to call Flux actions or to do arbitrary things.
## /commentlist/
kd = require 'kd'
View = require './view'
React = require 'kd-react'
immutable = require 'immutable'
ActivityFlux = require 'activity/flux'
module.exports = class CommentListContainer extends React.Component
constructor: (props) ->
super props
@state = { showModal: no, isEditingMode: no }
@propTypes =
repliesCount : React.PropTypes.number
channelId : React.PropTypes.string
messageId : React.PropTypes.string
comments : React.PropTypes.instanceOf immutable.Map
@defaultProps =
repliesCount : 0
channelId : ''
messageId : ''
comments : immutable.Map()
componentDidMount: -> do something...
componentDidUnmount: -> do another...
showMoreComment: -> ActivityFlux.actions.message.loadComments()
doSomething: -> ...
render: ->
ref = 'view'
comments = { @props.comments }
channelId = { @props.channelId }
messageId = { @props.messageId }
showModal = { @state.showModal }
repliesCount = { @props.repliesCount }
isEditingMode = { @state.isEditingMode }
showMoreComment = { @bound 'showMoreComment' }/>
## /components/
CommentList = require 'activity/components/commentlist'
render: ->
<div className='CommentListWrapper'>
ref = 'CommentList'
comments = { @props.comments }
channelId = { @props.channelId }
onMentionClick = { @props.onMentionClick }
messageId = { @props.messageId }
repliesCount = { @props.repliesCount }/>
should include view
and container
test files.
## /test/
describe 'CommentList', ->
require './view'
require './container'
should contain view component tests.
## /test/
describe 'CommentListView', ->
{ Simulate
scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass } = TestUtils
beforeEach -> do something...
afterEach -> do something...
describe '::render', ->
it 'should render View with correct classNames', ->
view = renderIntoDocument(<View {...@props} />)
expect(findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass view, 'CommentList').toExist()
expect((scryRenderedDOMComponentsWithClass view, 'CommentListItem').length).toEqual 10
expect(findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass view, 'CommentList-showMoreComment').toExist()
describe '::onClick', ->
it 'should call passed showMoreComment handler when click the showMoreComment link', ->
showMoreSpy = expect.createSpy()
view = renderIntoDocument(<View {...@props} showMoreComment={showMoreSpy}/>)
node = ReactDOM.findDOMNode view
showMoreEl = node.querySelector '.CommentList-showMoreComment' showMoreEl
should contain container component tests.
## /test/
describe 'CommentListContainer', ->
{ renderIntoDocument } = TestUtils
beforeEach -> do something...
afterEach -> do something...
describe '::showMoreComment', ->
it 'should call loadComments action with correct parameters', ->
{ message } = ActivityFlux.actions
loadCommentsSpy = expect.spyOn message, 'loadComments'
container = renderIntoDocument(<Container {...@props} />)
expect(loadCommentsSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith ...