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Rust (out-of-tree) Linux kernel modules (LKMs) experimentation framework.

NOTE: this is still a work in progress and limited tests have been performed. Please report any error/problem observed by opening an Issue. Thank you.


  • Build Linux kernel and Rust out-of-tree LKMs

  • Create a test root filesystem (based on debootstrap)

  • Emulate the compiled Linux kernel and Rust LKMs

  • Currently, by default, Linux kernel version 6.4.3 is used

Usage Workflow

  • Be sure to satisfy the requirements

  • Setup the environment (docker images, Linux kernel source, etc):

    • see Quick Start for automated setup, or
    • Usage section for more details and manual setup
  • Once the setup is complete (and the QEMU VM boots successfully), you can start experimenting with Rust LKMs


NOTE: the framework has not been tested on Windows.

  • A case sensitive filesystem is required. This is (usually) not a problem on Linux. However, MacOS by default uses a case insensitive filesystem. If you are trying this in MacOS, create an APFS case sensitive volume and execute all the commands from there. See here for instructions on how to create APFS case sensitive volumes.
  • openssl must be installed. This is used for creating the SSH keys for logging into the QEMU VM.
  • Docker must be installed and configured for being executed without root permissions. This is the default on MacOS. If you are using Linux see Linux post-installation steps.

When all the requirements are satisfied:

git clone [email protected]:0xor0ne/RoustKit.git
cd RoustKit

Quick Start

Be sure to start from a clean environment:


For trying an automated setup, run the following script (this is going to take a while to complete all the required steps):


If the script completed successfully, you can start experimenting whit the Rust LKM. Otherwise, follow the steps reported in the section below. The section reports the list of commands executed automatically by ./scripts/ Executing them one by one by hands could help in identifying possible errors.

Quick Start (Step by Step)

Be sure to start from a clean environment:


Build kernel and Rust module:

# On the host:
# Download and extract the kernel source
# Build the docker image (rkbuilder) for building the kernel and rust modules
# Execute docker container rkbuilder in interactive mode
# Inside rkbuilder container
# Build kernel and rust module
# Built Rust LKM will be located in src directory

Prepare root file system:

# On the host:
# Build Docker image (rkrootfs) for building the root filesystem
# Create the root filesystem

Emulate and test the Rust module:

# On the host:
# Build Docker image (rkqemu) for emulation
# Run qemu emulation rkqemu container
# Note: it's pssible to run the emulation in detatched mode with
# ./docker/qemu/ -b

Interacting with Rust LKM inside the QEMU VM

If the setup completed successfully you should have a running QEMU VM and see an output similar to the following:

[  OK  ] Finished Raise network interfaces.
[  OK  ] Reached target Network.
         Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server...
         Starting Permit User Sessions...
[  OK  ] Finished Permit User Sessions.
         Starting Hold until boot process finishes up...
         Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen...

Debian GNU/Linux 11 RoustKit ttyS0

RoustKit login:

Now, from another terminal window/tab:

  • Copy the compiled Rust Linux kernel module into the QEMU VM:
  • SSH into the QEMU VM:
  • insmod the Rust LKM:
insmod /tmp/src/rust_oot.ko
  • verify that the module has been correctly loaded:
dmes | grep rust_oot
[   72.263075] rust_oot: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
[   72.267374] rust_oot: Rust OOT sample (init)

The general workflow for developing the Rust LKM, building it, transferring it on the QEMU VM and loading it is the following:

# On the host
# - Develop the Rust LKM in src directory
# - build it with
./docker/rkbuilder/ scripts/
# - Transfer it on QEMU VM (assuming it is already up and running, see above)
# Inside the QEMU VM (use ./scripts/ if not already connected)
rmmod rust_oot # Change this with the name of your module
insmod /tmp/src/rust_oot.ko

For turning off QEMU VM see the dedicated section.


This section provides a little bit more details on the internal working of the framework.

If you want to start from a clean state, run:


Build Kernel and Rust Module

Docker Image for Building the Kernel and the Modules

Build the docker image (rkbuilder) used for building the Linux kernel source code and the Rust out-of-tree Linux kernel modules:


Run the corresponding container in interactive mode with:


NOTE: the script mounts the root directory of this repository inside the container in $HOME/workspace by default. The same directory is also set as the default working directory and inside the container the environment variable $WDIR is set to this directory.

If you ever need to stop or remove the container or remove the rkbulder docker image for starting from scratch, you can use the following commands rispectively:



Now it's possible to build the kernel and the Rust modules.

Execute all the commands inside the rkbuilder container.


NOTES: the instructions below assume that the linux kernel source code is placed in kernel/linux directory on the host (this directory is mounted in $WDIR/kernel/linux inside the container). Also, the instructions use the directory kernel/build (mounted in $WDIR/kernel/build inside the container) as the output directory for the kernel build process. So, for example, for downloading and extracting the Linux kernel source code you can execute the following commands (from $WDIR inside the container):

wget -O kernel/archive
mkdir kernel/linux
tar -C kernel/linux -xf kernel/archive/linux-6.4.1.tar.xz --strip-components=1

The commands above can be automatize with:


NOTE: if you decide to use a different kernel version than the default one used by this framework, be sure to set correctly the configuration entries RUST_VERSION and BINDGEN_VERSION. See section Configuration for the details.

Once the Linux kernel source code has been extracted, you can proceed to build it:

cd $WDIR/kernel/linux
# (Optional) Remove or move the old build directory if one already exist. E.g., rm -rf ../build
mkdir -p ../build
# make O=${PWD}/../build LLVM=1 ARCH=x86_64 rustavailable
make O=${PWD}/../build LLVM=1 ARCH=x86_64 defconfig
make O=${PWD}/../build LLVM=1 ARCH=x86_64 menuconfig
# Enable Rust Support:
# "General setup" -> "Rust support" [y]
# (Optional) enable Rust Examples:
# "Kernel hacking" -> "Sample kernel code" [y] -> "Rust samples" [y] -> enable [y] what you are interested in
# Exit the configuration menu and save the new configuration
make O=${PWD}/../build LLVM=1 ARCH=x86_64 -j4 all
# Wait for the kernel to complete the build

Instructions above can be automatize with:


In this case the configuration located in kernel/configs/default will be copied in kernel/build/.config and used for building the kernel.

Rust Out-of-Tree Module

If the kernel build completed successfully, it is possible to build the Rust out-of-tree kernel module with:

cd ${WDIR}/src

or, alternatively:


Creating A Root File System

The QEMU VM requires a basic root filesystem for emulating the linux kernel and the Rust LKM. This section describes how to create such root filesystem.

Start by creating the Docker image that will be used to generate the root filesystem:


This will create a Docker image called rkrootfs and tagged as <rust-<version>-bindgen-<version>. You can see this by running:

$ docker image ls | grep rkrootfs
rkrootfs       rust-1.62.0-bindgen-0.56.0   f98d5876eea9   13 minutes ago   644MB

At this point, it is possible to generate the root filesystem by running:


Internally the Docker image uses debootstrap for generating the root filesystem (this is handled by the script ./docker/rootfs/ which by default is placed in directory rootfs with name <debian_distribution>-<arch>-<fs_type>:

ls ./rootfs

Also, by default there are two users configured in the created filesystems: root with no password and user with password user.

If you ever need to stop or remove the container or remove the rkrootfs docker image for starting from scratch, you can use the following commands rispectively:


Emulation with QEMU

Start by creating the Docker image that will be used to run the QEMU VM:


then you can start the emulation with


or, in case you prefer to run this in background:

./docker/qemu/ -b

You can log into the emulated system with user root without password (or as user with password user).

If you executed the emulation in background or if you prefer to use another terminal window, you can log into the emulated instance using SSH:


See Networking section for more details.

If you ever need to stop or remove the container or remove the rkqemu docker image for starting from scratch, you can use the following commands rispectively:


Turning off QEMU VM

From inside QEMU you can type Ctrl-a followed by c for entering the QEMU console and then type quit.

Otherwise, always from inside QEMU, you can poweroff the system with poweroff.

Alternatively, from the host, you can remove the Docker container with:



Most of the framework configuration is kept inside the .env file.

Right now most of the entries in this file are for development purposes and I suggest to keep them at their default values. In general the configuration entries names should be self explanatory and when necessary a short comment is contained directly inside the configuration file .env

Right now the most interesting entries from a user prospective are the ones at the top. RUST_VERSION and BINDGEN_VERSION contains respectively the version of the Rust toolchain and of the bindgen tool. These versions must match the ones required by the Kernel version that will be built.

If you are in doubt you can retrieve the correct values for these entries from the script scripts/ provided by the kernel source code. For example, see here the script for Linux kernel version 6.4.3.

The entry KERNEL_SOURCE_URL can be optionally set to an URL pointing to the Linux kernel source code archive. This url will be automatically used by the script ./scripts/ for downloading and extracting the kernel source code (See section Kernel for more information).


The QEMU VM running inside the rkqemu Docker container can be reached from the host with:


Under the hood this script is just running the following command:

ssh -F .ssh_config rkqemu

In the same way, it is possible to copy stuff from the host into the QEMU VM using:

./scripts/ -s path/to/src -d path/to/dst

under the hood, this become:

scp -F .ssh_config -r path/to/src rkqemu:path/to/dst

Note that once the QEMU VM is running you can attach to the rkqemu container and run the above commands directly from there (although this is not usually necessary):

scp -F .ssh_config -r path/to/src rkqemu:path/to/dst
ssh -F .ssh_config rkqemu

By default the QEMU VM bind the TCP port 10021 of the container to the port 22 inside the VM (this is configured by the entry RKE_QEMU_NET in .env). At the same time the rkqemu docker container binds the host port 10021 to the container port 10021 (see RKE_DOCKER_RUN_ADD_OPT).

Related Projects

These are projects that allow to build/configure/test/debug various Linux kernel versions for different target architectures (and compilers).

This project contains a Rust out-of-tree Linux kernel module template:


At the current time there is not a formal procedure for contributions. Limited tests have been performed so far and the framework is still in its early development stage. Please open an Issue for any problem/error observed.


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