You have been eavesdropping a conversation between two suspects who may know something about the flag. The conversation goes like this:
HackCrypt1337: Do you know, primes are great way to hide secrets!
n00b1001: Whatt..? primes? I don't believe you
HackCrypt1337: You are being too loud!, remember this number, 3073416132828889709313918053975078361304902307, it will be useful to understand the flag. and one more is......
Oh no! Someone is here, you can guess other one yourself. It is trivial anyways.
Here, keep this number safe with you!
And they leave....
Get the flag!
Simple RSA with weak n.
p, q from
./ -n 3073416132828889709313918053975078361304902307 -p 13558774610046711780701 -q 226673591177742970257407 -e 65537 --uncipher 1217323181436745647195685030986548015017805440
flag: flag{w3ak_R5A_bad}